Intro to Data Visualization & Mapping
Are you a UVic student or Staff member and want to learn more about data visualization and mapping? If so, then this hands-on workshop will give you an introduction. Once you’ve completed this session you will be able to do or be aware of the following:
- The use cases & visualization styles possible
- Why “cleaning” data is necessary & clean it a Google Sheet or Excel Spreadsheet
- Best practices for sentiment analysis & do some sentiment analysis
- Create a Google Sheets bar graph
- Create a Google Sheets pie chart
- Create a Google My Maps using Open Data
- Find open data online
- Collaborative data gathering
- Know how to publish visualization and/or tables to the web. And collaborate with others
- Storymap JS
- Timeline JS
- Juxtapose JS
- Awareness of other more advanced tools like Tableau, QGIS, & ARC-GIS
Check for workshop availability and register here. View the workshop lesson plan here: Data Visualization & Narrative Maps with Google Sheets, Google Maps, & Knight Lab tools.