Introduction to Electronics with Arduino – Pre-Class Assignment

In order to devote almost all of our face-to-face workshop time to hands on exercises, please watch the videos below, install the Arduino Software, and then complete the quiz at the end. The quiz is to help you know if you’re prepared to attend the workshop.  If you don’t do well on the quiz, you might watch to watch the videos again, or Google some of the ideas and/or skills that you’re not as familiar with.

  1. An Introduction to the Arduino (5 min) –
  2. Problems Arduino can solve (AKA Cool Arduino Projects) (3 min) –
  3. Virtual Arduino: (2 min) –
  4. Arduino Cartoon Introduction (10 min) –
  5. Download Arduino IDE –
  6. Please complete the following quiz so that you can get a feel for how prepared you are for the face-to-face orientation. The anonymous responses from this quiz will be stored on a server in the United States. If you are not comfortable with this, please print out the questions, answer them by hand, and bring them to orientation: Click Here

Congratulations, you’re ready for the workshop!