Workshops for classes:

Photo of Zoom ClassroomWould it be helpful to have a digital scholarship expert available to lead a digital skills workshop in your class? If so the Libraries Digital Scholarship Commons (DSC) offers a wide range of modular introductory hands-on digital skills workshops that professors and instructors can incorporate into their classes, including video editing, infographic design, podcasting, website creation, Excel skills, and more (see the complete list of  workshops below). 

DSC experts can also customize their digital skills workshops and assist you to integrate them into your syllabus and optimize the timing of instruction. This can help your students to learn the skills they need to complete your assignments close to their point of need. 

You can freely use the workshop curriculum without direct DSC support, as the DSC publishes all of its workshop curricula on its website, including pre-workshop homework, presentation slides, and in-class activities, using a Creative Commons license.

Book DSC workshops for your classes in 3 easy steps:

      1. Identify which workshop(s) fit into our course curriculum (see the list of workshops below). 
      2. Email with the workshops you are interested in and the semester you’d like them taught. We will email you to arrange a conversation.
      3. During our conversation, we will discuss how we can customize the workshop(s) to best meet the needs of your students and integrate them into your course outline and discuss whether you’d prefer to have this workshop held in-person or online.  If you know what dates and times you would like the workshops taught, we can book our instructors while we chat, or you can email us to arrange those details later.

After our conversation, we will email you a shortlist of videos and readings for your students to complete before the workshop. These readings and videos typically take students between 5 and 15 minutes to review. We will teach our hands-on workshop on the day and time that you have invited us.  We look forward to working with you and your students!

Introductory Digital Skills Workshops:

Examples of DSC Workshop Integrations with Courses Across Campus:

      1. Political Science: Infographic Design workshop to help students complete a class assignment to summarize the key features of a political movement or campaign in the United States.
      2. Mechanical Engineering: 3D Scanning workshop to prepare non-engineering students to complete their first 3D scanning project as part of a larger course to teach the functionality of 3D Design, 3D printing, and 3D scanning.
      3. French: Wikipedia workshop to introduce students to the technical skills and cultural considerations in order to contribute to open knowledge dissemination in both English and French on Wikipedia. 
      4. Geography: Data Analysis with Excel workshop to help prepare students to analyze data they were collecting for a portion of a midterm report.
      5. Pacific & Asian Studies: Video Editing workshop to help prepare students to create a video to portray aspects of different Asian cultures to a wider audience, and complete a major assignment.
      6. Gender Studies: Podcasting workshop to help students complete a major group assignment in place of the essay that was traditionally assigned.
      7. History: Virtual Reality & 360 Video Tours workshop to introduce students to new forms of media that could be used in both research and public outreach.