RSS Logo & Headphones

Image by Colleen AF Venable at Flicker

As I get ready to teach a new hands-on Introduction to Podcasting workshop later today, I can’t believe it’s been over 11 years since I created and taught my first podcasting workshop at UVic back in 2008! Back in the day I was helping a few law professors record and publish lecture audio to accommodate students who were sick and was asked if I could provide training to staff at the main library on campus. If you’d like to experience a blast from the past check out this PDF handout from over 11 years ago!

The current workshop will give participants a hands-on introduction to Podcasting using the free and open-source Audacity audio editing software along with other free tools to publish and promote a podcast. By the end of the workshop participants will be able to know and do the following:

  1. Know best practices for interviewing podcast guests.
  2. Know how to record high-quality audio using the Audacity software and a USB microphone.
  3. Be able to trim and split recorded audio.
  4. Be able to find free Creative Commons licenced music to use as audio introductions or “bumpers” in a podcast.
  5. Know how to create voiceovers, and fade music in and out in separate audio tracks.
  6. Know how to use the free podcasting publishing service.
  7. Know how to use Zoom to record high-quality remote interviews with one or more guests.

I’m in to process of creating a new podcast called, The Build Plate: Academic Makerspace and Digital Lab Conversations, that will be coming out in the new year. Stay tuned!