University Online Education

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Learn 48 languages online for free
Open Culture maintains a list of open-source foreign language material in various formats including videos, textbooks, and MP3s. These resources are most suitable for teenage and adult learners. Link to list:
W3Schools free computer science tutorials
W3Schools is a vast platform of in-depth coding tutorials on everything from HTML to C++. The step-by-step instructions make it easy to get the hang of a new language, or provide extra practice alongside coursework. Website:
Peer 2 Peer University
Peer 2 Peer University is a free open-education project which offers virtual courses in a more traditional format. Learning Circles meet either online or in person, during which time community members work through online coursework together. Anyone can create a...
Royal BC Museum student resources
The Royal BC Museum has a page of student resources. The list includes a Learning Portal, where learners of all ages can access information about the history of BC in a variety of formats, and Learning Labs, which will be offered online as of Fall 2020....
Online learning and teaching tips from BC Campus
BC Campus has several virtual courses, pre-recorded videos, and articles full of tips on learning and teaching online. The content would be most useful for university students and professors, but could also be useful to high school students taking online courses and...
COVID-19 resources by the University of Victoria Students’ Society
The University of Victoria Students' Society has compiled a list of COVID-19 supports for students and others in the community. While some items on the list will only be useful for UVIC students, there are many resources that can be accessed by anyone in the Victoria...
Guide for Online Group Work
eLearners provides tips and tricks to help students succeed in online classes. Potential problems and solutions are also discussed to help students know what to expect and ease some mixed feelings about virtual group work. Website:...
The National Education Association of Disabled Students
The National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS) is an organization directed towards education and employment support. NEADS supports post-secondary students and graduates with disabilities across Canada. The main focus of NEADS is on debt reduction,...
Cybersecurity Awareness for Students
At UVic, we all play a part in the security of ourselves and others. Cybersecurity is one part of keeping ourselves protected and they have created a web page giving students tips and resources for staying safe on the web. Website:...