Positive Stories

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New free food market for those in need opens in Victoria
A new Living Edge Neighborhood Market has been added in South Victoria at the Church of Our Lord on 626 Blanshard St. This market provides free groceries to those in need, and offers a variety of fresh produce, yogurt, bread, milk. It is open every Thursday from...
Totem pole project at B.C. jail helping inmates carve out new futures
A totem pole project in a Vancouver Island jail has inmates spending one day per week learning traditional carving techniques from master carver Tsawout artist Tom LaFortune, his brother Aubrey and Max Henry, the facility’s Indigenous Cultural Liaison. Original...
Rare white orca calf spotted in B.C. waters for the first time
The Pacific Whale Watch Association reported a sighting of a nearly all-white whale named "Frosty" in Telegraph Cove. This would be the first sighting in B.C. waters. Original article: https://globalnews.ca/news/9053316/rare-white-orca-calf-spotted-bc/
Cat lost for months treks across Vancouver Island, leading to ‘purrfect reunion’
The BC SPCA says it was able to arrange a “purrfect reunion” on Sunday, months after a cat named Hobbes was lost hundreds of kilometres from his home. Original article: https://globalnews.ca/news/9243783/vancouver-island-cat-reunited-months-hundreds-kilometres/
It’s been 20 years since the orca Springer was released in B.C.
It has been 20 years since teams from British Columbia and Washington State worked together to rescue an orphaned orca named Springer. She was the first orca to have been captured and then successfully re-integrated into her pod. Springer is now thriving with two...
83-year-old brightens Nanaimo seniors community with daily ‘smile pages’
Angie, a former teacher, is bringing positivity and daily smiles to her senior community. She uses her computer and printer to create pages of positivity and began posting one per day in the lobby of her complex. Her goal is to make the entire community smile....
Nanaimo, B.C., senior crochets more than 10,555 toques for charity
Kathleen, an 89-year-old Nanaimo resident, grew up during the Great Depression. She is now focusing her positivity and unwavering work ethic on crocheting toques. Kathleen has donated more than 10,555 toques to charity. Original article:...
79-year-old retired B.C. logger and residential school survivor becomes professional artist
Robert says he learned to survive at a young age when he was forced to attend a residential school at age four. After a decade there, Robert found work in the woods as a logging contractor and heavy machinery mechanic. After spending four decades in the logging...
80-year-old Esquimalt man walks his parrot to brighten the community
Barry, an 80-year old- Esquimalt resident, goes on daily walks with his female macaw named SargeBarry says he does it not only for Sarge, but also to make people smile. Original article:...