University Online Education

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KPU University 101 book
Kwantlen Polytechnic University has created a book called University 101: Study, Strategize and Succeed. It is free to download. This book will help students create a solid foundation for university. It talks about proven study strategies, setting goals and has...
Virginia Tech. Improving Test Performance Workshop
Virginia Polytechnic University has created an online workshop to help students improve their test performance. It is free and self paced. It includes modules on taking notes, time management and self testing....
Georgetown University Final Exam Guide
Georgetown University's Academic Resource Center has prepared some general tips, study strategies and test anxiety resources for university students during final exams. Website:
Learning to Learn Online eBook
Learning to Learn Online is an online book created by students. Its goal is to help people transition from a traditional classroom setting to online learning. These six chapters will cover everything from staying motivated to effective online learning. Website:...
How-To-Guides for Google Chat, Zoom, Skype
Ryerson University has compiled a how-to guide for Google Chat, Zoom and Skype. These are online platforms widely used by students and non-students. It includes common troubleshooting solutions for audio and accessibility. Google...
UVIC Virtual Centre for Student Learning
UVIC's Virtual Centre for Student Learning is a resource hub that provides guidance for the UVIC community regarding online tools, learning strategies and other academic supports. It can also be used as a general guide to navigate online learning platforms like...
Student’s guide to online privacy, safety, and security provides a very thorough guide to online safety for students of all ages and their parents. The resources are sorted by grade level: elementary, middle, and high school, as well as university and useful resources for all ages. While most legal aspects...
Online privacy tips for students
This video, produced by KQED for PBS, outlines 5 online privacy tips for students. The content is simplified but in-depth making it widely accessible to students in middle school through university, or anyone who uses social media. There is also a brief lesson plan...
Online learning and Privacy
This document provides recommendations and guidance for educators and students to help them choose the right online tools to protect their privacy online. Tips include researching the company, looking through the privacy settings, avoiding the 'easy' option, and more....