Mar 9, 2022 | Community Resources, Student Resources
There are multiple resources available to UVic students on the UVSS website in response to the war in Ukraine. Resources include groceries, mental health support, and political organizing. For more information about these resources please click the link below....
Mar 6, 2022 | Disability Resources, Funding for Students
This grant helps deaf and hard-of-hearing students with the additional costs incurred while attending specialized post-secondary institutions where the curriculum is delivered in American Sign Language. If you would like to learn more follow the link below....
Jun 18, 2021 | Health and Well-Being, Mental Health
Emotional well-being plays an important role in our overall well-being. This resource offers numerous emotional well-being activities for students from kindergarten to grade 12 with various at home, at school and hybrid activities too. Website:...
Jun 18, 2021 | Physical Health
Learning about your body and its development can be confusing and one can feel very isolated. These activities help you learn about the idea of personal choice, identity and your body. The activities are tailored for students of different....
Jun 16, 2021 | Indigenous Resources
UVIC’s Native Student Union (NSU) is run by students and supports Indigenous UVIC students with a multi-use room in the SUB and a study space in the First Peoples House. The NSU has bi-weekly meetings and maintains a list of campus resources on their website....