Noam Chomsky on the Consequences of Capitalism

Noam Chomsky is a distinguished linguist. He is joined by Tammy Kim, and together they will discuss the crises and opportunities that stem from our current capitalist system. This event is fully online, and admission is free or by donation. The date is set for October...

Online Learning Resources

Although most students have transitioned back to in-person learning, many students remain either fully or partially online. These learning resources can help students navigate their classes and obtain additional help. Website:...

Smithsonian Open Access

The Smithsonian Museum has uploaded over 2.8 million images from their archives, museums, research centres, and libraries to browse and use in personal projects. Additionally, users can download art and music created by others through the open access portal. Website:...

Digital Civics Toolkit

The MacArthur Research Network on Youth and Participatory Politics has developed a set of learning modules meant to introduce high school students to online political literacy and discussion. The modules are designed for a classroom setting, although they are fully...

CHF-BC Anti-Racism Resources

The co-operative housing federation of BC (CHF BC) has complied a list of anti-racism resources. This list is updated in groupings as specific cultural heritage or history months occur. Events, courses, and books are all within the scope of this list that encompasses...