Jun 9, 2020 | Positive Stories
Tavisha Kochhar, a 14-year-old Surrey teen has spent most of her time at home sewing hundreds of masks to raise money for hospital foundations. She has already sold 500 reusable masks, raising $23000 for BC Children’s St Paul’s and Surrey hospital...
May 29, 2020 | Positive Stories
Fisherman Johnny Nikiforuk and his family from Tofino were searching for ways to support their community during this time. His family set out to the waters and garnered a couple of hundred pounds of fish that they donated to the local fire crew in order to show...
May 21, 2020 | Positive Stories
A nine-year old from North Vancouver has raised over $2,000 for BC Cancer Foundation and the Vancouver Aquarium by selling her artwork. Website: https://www.nsnews.com/community/north-van-youth-raises-2k-for-charity-by-selling-her-art-1.24138387
May 17, 2020 | Community Resources, Health and Well-Being
Victoria-based therapist has created a free online accessible therapy available for healthcare workers. Website: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/free-online-therapy-victoria-1.5569013
May 17, 2020 | Community Resources, Positive Stories
Gardeners in Prince George are growing plants to donate for a lower-income neighbourhood. Website: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/guerilla-gardeners-say-they-re-growing-food-for-low-income-neighbourhood-1.5570244