Health & Well-Being

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Lifespeak Counselling for Veterans, former RCMP members, and their Families
Veterans Affairs of Canada has contracted the company Lifespeak to provide counselling services to veterans, former RCMP members, and their family members. Lifespeak is free for those who qualify. To access, use the username "veterans" and the passcode, "canada"....
Broadmead Care for Veterans
The Veterans Health Centre is a partnership between Broadmead Care and Veterans Affairs Canada. The program aims to support veterans living in their own homes as long as possible by offering health, social, and recreational services. They also provide counselling,...
Veteran Family Program
The Veteran Family Program is a free service that supports medically-releasing Veterans and Canadian Armed Force members, as well as their families, in their transition to medical release. The program provides group sessions on transition topics and a mental health...
Veteran Injury Peer Support and Counselling (SOSI)
The Support for Operational Stress Injury (SOSI) program is a national peer support network for any Veteran or current member (regular or civilian) of the RCMP having difficulty with daily life as a result of their service. The program will connect you to an...
Veteran Rehabilitation Services
The VAC provides rehabilitation services to veterans. Rehabilitation services can improve your health and help you adjust to life at home, in your community or at work. Depending on your circumstances and needs, health professionals and other service providers can...
British Colombia Mental Health Resource List for Military Members and Veterans
Below is a list of resources available for mental health directed toward veterans and active military members in British Colombia, Canada. Website:...
Wounded Warriors Mental Health Programs for Veterans, Military Members, and First Responders
Wounded Warriors Canada offers a wide array of mental health counselling services for active military members, veterans and first responders. The services are free to access and are also available to family members too. The Trauma Resiliency Program, Couples...
Operational Stress Injury Counselling for Veterans
Each operational stress injury (OSI) clinic provides in-person and virtual assessment, treatment, and support to address mental health issues related to service. Each clinic has a team of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, mental health nurses, and other...
Veterans Emergency Fund
The Veterans Emergency Fund provides prompt financial support to Veterans, their families, and survivors, who are facing an unforeseen financial emergency that is threatening their health and well-being. The Veterans Emergency Fund can cover essentials such as food,...