Employment Resources

Below are resources and information for those seeking employment or to build employable skills.

(If the information needs revisions, please submit a comment; if you want to contribute to this section, send your post to communityresourcehub@uvic.ca)

Jobscan Free Resume Tools

If you need to create a resume, Jobscan has a free resume-building tool and free templates to download, so that you don't have to start from scratch. They also have similar resources for building a cover letter. Website: https://www.jobscan.co/resume-builder

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Beacon Employment Services

Over the years, Beacon Community Services has offered a wide range of employment programs, tailored to meet unique needs. Our professional career/employment advisors are well-equipped to help people assess how to best meet their employment and training goals — and to...

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NCDA Online Career Resources

The National Career Development Association has compiled a list of internet career resources and has taken the time to ensure that they are free, credible, and current. To make the list, resources have to meet certain standards such as being easy to navigate and...

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BC Career Support Services

BC's Career Support Services provides free and confidential career advice to assist with career-related planning.  They offer 24/7 services via telephone on the following topics: career advice, work-life resiliency coaching, and retirement planning.  Contact:...

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Networks Employment Solutions

NetWorks provides free employment services for adults experiencing mental illnesses and/or issues with substance use. In this program, clients are paired with a coach. Coaches and clients then work collaboratively to come up with a career plan that suits the client's...

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