BC Hydro Offers Post-Secondary Scholarships

BC Hydro is offering a variety of scholarships for students studying in sectors related to their business. Students studying engineering or various skilled trade programs are eligible to apply for the grants. There are additional scholarships available for indigenous...

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society Award

One or more awards are being given to undergraduate students who are conducting innovative and creative research in Japanese Canadian history, art, culture, and/or language. Upon applying, individuals must provide a 500 word essay of intent, a letter of support from a...

Social Justice Award

One or more awards are available to academically outstanding individuals who are in their third or fourth year in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Victoria. Upon applying, students must provide a 500 word essay explaining how their studies will...

J. Prospero Scholarship for Sustainable Mining

A $1,000 scholarship is being awarded to an academically outstanding woman undergraduate student who is entering their third or fourth year at the University of Victoria. Applicants must be in either the Department of Economics, School of Environmental Studies or the...