Ready Check Go

The Ready, Check, Go! Series is a physical activity tracker designed to help children and their parents/guardians understand the importance and enjoyment of incorporating regular daily physical activity. It is designed for different age groups as well as for parents...

Westshore Children’s Literacy recycling project

The 100×5 Children’s Literacy recycling project is collecting children’s books and distributing them to young children and their families in Westshore. You can contribute by dropping off books. Drop off locations are at every School District #62...

Sooke Family Support Group

The Sooke Family Resource Society hosts a Family Support group that offers support to parents with children 0-6 years who may be facing challenges such as single parenthood, low income, or young parenthood. You have to call to register. The Sooke group meets every...

Artemis Secondary School Young Parent Program

This is a program that supports pregnant teens or young parents who attend Artemis Secondary School in Victoria, BC. By providing a nurturing community and responsive care for children, trusting and respectful relationships are allowed to be built within these young...

Resource Guide: Autism and Dental Care

A visit to the dentist can be anxiety provoking, especially for those with autism spectrum disorder. This is a great resource guide that provides suggestions to make a dental visit more comforting and also provides general care and tips for dental hygiene for families...