Mom2Mom Charity Vancouver

Mom2Mom is a support network operating in Vancouver, BC. They provide social support as well as financial help with groceries, summer childcare, and other parenting expenses. To access support, contact a counsellor or support worker at your child’s school....

Canada Child Disability Benefit

This tax-free monthly benefit was designed to alleviate the financial strain on parents of children with a physical or intellectual disability. Application Deadline: ongoing Contact: 1-800-387-1193 More Information:...

The David Foster Foundation

The David Foster Foundation works with Canadian families who have children needing organ transplants. Families can apply for funding for any non-medical essential expenses. You can contact the foundation to receive more information about applying for support....

DSRF Children and youth Bursary

The Down syndrome Resource Foundation (DSRF) Children & Youth Bursary Program is to support families with the costs of DSRF programs. DSRF programs hope to empower individuals living with Down syndrome by providing educational services and promoting social and...