Victoria Pink Pages

The Victoria Pink Pages serves as a platform for LGBTQ2SIA+ communities to connect with organizations that openly prioritize safety and inclusivity. It facilitates both the discovery of safe spaces to obtain services or products while also encouraging support for... is a safe online space that aims to celebrate LGBTQ2SIA+ communities through sharing stories, providing resources, and workshops. Contact: Website:

Eight Indigenous Veterans From Kitigan Zibi

November 8 marks the annual National Indigenous Veterans Day in Canada, a day to recognize First Nations, Métis, and Inuit contributions to military service. Read the article below to meet eight veterans from Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, Quebec, who served in Canadian...

Indigenous soldiers and the Battle of Hong Kong

The following article talks about the difficult task of identifying Indigenous soldiers who fought in the Battle of Hong Kong. During that battle, records did not identify soldiers as Métis. Many years later, Pamela Poitras Heinrichs, a member of the Hong Kong...