Jul 29, 2021 | Community Resources, Shelter and Housing
This website provides up to date information on heat safety as well as cooling stations around Vancouver Island. Scroll to the bottom of the website for pdf copies of the resources. Website:...
Jul 29, 2021 | Community Resources
This map outlines all of the public drinking fountains in Victoria. This resource may be useful for people who spend long periods of time outside, as Victoria is expecting more heat waves to come....
Jul 26, 2021 | Indigenous Resources, Resource Lists
The Firelight Group is an indigenous-run consulting group that has compiled a list mental health support resources that are specifically for Canadian Indigenous populations. They list website links as well as a brief description of services and location. Website:...
Jul 26, 2021 | LGBTQ+ Resources, Parent Resources, Resources for BIPOCs
This Canada-wide resource hub is run by BIPOC women in medicine and is curated with high-quality resources for BIPOC gender minorities on topics such as LGBTQ2+ healthcare, reproductive and sexual health, gender-based violence and a category meant for allies and...
Jul 21, 2021 | Employment Resources, Equity & Diversity Resources, Newcomer Supports
Mosaic is a non-profit situated in Vancouver BC with services currently online for the Covid-19 pandemic. Mosaic offers a variety of supports such as employment, counselling, and language. These supports are available for individuals or families, and international...