Funny Language-Learning Scenes

The Funniest Language-Learning
Scenes of All Time!

Learning a new language should be fun! Challenging – CHECK! Different – CHECK! Exciting – CHECK! FUN – DOUBLE CHECK!

 Full Disclosure –  I once won a French scholarship out of Grade 12 and spent about 6 weeks in July-August of 1975, in a full French Immersion program! Outside of travelling for 3 months in Europe in 1979, it was my best summer ever! And my roommates were from Chicoutimi and the first day together, we spent teaching each other swear words! LOL! Yeah, okay .. Grade 12! So, yeah, FUN! I can neither confirm, nor deny … I remember them all!

 DOUBLE Full Disclosure – I am nowhere near as good in French NOW, as I was … THEN! LOL! I like to describe my French now as ‘Corn Flakes French‘! What?

On every box of Corn Flakes, each side panel has English and the corresponding ‘translated’ French on the other side! So if you throw away the ‘little words’ on each side .. YOU HAVE A PERFECT TRANSLATION TOOL! Who needs Google Translate anyways! Which will most certainly be another Bog Blog one day! LOL!

Now go and …… HAVE SOME FUN!


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