Think Different . . .
. . . or . . .
Apple Commercials
Through the Years

Think Different. As iconic as the ‘1984’ Mac commercial is, this may be one of the most remembered Apple campaigns … EVER! Well, at least for me. I have this poster in my office at home. I uncovered a bunch of them years ago, doing an annual cleanse of some closets we once used as storage! Serendipitous for me!
There is no question that Apple has one of the best marketing programs … in history! This post is predominantly about their ads in video format, which range from poignant and dramatic, to humorous and sometimes silly! They truly do …. Think Different …. all the time!

And at the time, obscure actors might have shown up too! Kevin Costner will forever be linked with the introduction of the Lisa computer, which is a whole different post too!
The BEST ads are cast with actors who don’t take themselves too seriously and actually parody their on-screen presence … and blend it with their off-screen personality!

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson did this perfectly in his ad for Siri a few years ago. I doubt Apple could afford him now!

My absolute favourite commerical of ALL TIME is probably not what you might think. Oh yes, I do like the 1984 commercial (Directed by Ridley Scott – Gladiator, The Martian, Thelma & Louise, Blade Runner, Alien .. yes THAT Ridley Scott!) but my favourite is for the iPad Air with Robin Williams narrating his poetry speech over some amazing world moments. Do you remember which movie this came from? HUDDLE UP!
As a summer project many years ago, I decided to find as many Apple Commercials on YouTube as I could and learn how to create movies and burn a DVD, dedicated to only Apple Commercials!
YouTube was relatively new and it might not have even been bought by Google yet! Still, I learned how to create and edit movies, burn DVDs and improve my knowledge of various video formats, editing techniques and making movies!

A future post, once we return to UVic, will be about using iMovie HD! What? You have never heard of that version? That doesn’t surprise me!
iMovie HD was one of the very first versions (2005!) and can only

run under a macOS that is named after a kitty! But it is surprisingly robust, has simple and intuitive editing controls and works with some old hardware called MovieBox DV (2003!) that can digitize VHS cassettes! Sometimes you can teach an old dog new tricks!
And one more thing … Apple has long been the target of parody ads! There is one for a new iPhone at the very end of the videos below. But the BEST one is called ‘The Power to Crush the Other Kids”. It is nowhere to be found on the internet and YouTube has pulled it due to copyright infringement concerns, by NBC’s ownership of Saturday Night Live. If you can find it, it is truly hilarious!
Some interesting links below with even more background to Apple’s numerous ads throughout the years!
As long as there are words out there, there will be a site that Google finds for each of us!
- The most memorable Apple ads of all time
- 15 Best Apple Commercials of All Time
- The 14 best Apple ads of all time
- 10 Apple ads that show how the brand has evolved
- 289 Best Apple Ads – Pinterest
- The best 18 Apple commercials of all time
- The best ad Apple produced from each year since its 1984 Super Bowl hit
- The 10 Funniest Apple-Ad Parodies
- The 10 Funniest Mac Apple-Ad Parodies
As long as there are words out there, there will be interesting topics!
Think Different
Narrated by Steve Jobs
What Will Your Verse Be?
Apple iPad Air
1984 Super Bowl Ad
The Real Story Behind
Apple’s 1984 Commercial
Best Apple Commercials 2020
29 Best Apple Commercials
of All Time
Complete 66 Mac vs PC Ads
Best Apple Commercials
Every Apple Computer Ad
Top 10 Iconic Apple Ads
Best Apple Commercials
Best Apple Commercials
30 Years of Mac Ads
1984 – 2014
15 Funny Apple Ads
iPhone Parody
A Taller Change