Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness
{Quake News}
especially at UVic!

How timely and ironic!

This morning I was updating my OAC Favourite and Useful UVic Links Page and was adding a new section on Emergency Preparedness. AND A MAGNITUDE 3.0 EARTHQUAKE RUMBLED THROUGH OAK BAY AT 8:45 AM! REALLY! Even more details HERE!

            BOO THIS MAN! BOO!

I am pretty sure my colleagues thought I was crazy (often, a default!) but it was confirmed! So, whew, it was not ‘Fake News‘ …  it was … ‘Quake News‘! (I was actually ‘booed’ by a colleague for that joke!)

I had started the morning updating my links as BC is now under Province Wide Restrictions (as of today, November 20, 2020) which includes mandatory mask wearing in Public Places – and that means AT UVic TOO!

CHD staff are ALWAYS wearing their masks and wear gloves when cleaning or potentially touching high contact surfaces. AND especially when they are in ALL areas of UVic.

  BC Province Wide Restrictions – November 20, 2020

I just want to say THANK YOU ALL  for doing this!  I think of it as a gift to everyone around me. I wear my mask even if I am outside my closed-door office, even for just a minute!

The links below are all very important and useful, especially now and even especially today! Literally … TODAY! They are all posted at my OAC Favourite UVic Links Page too.

Everyone stay safe and healthy, whether working at UVic or at home. 

By Friday, April 23rd 2021,
everyone (18+)

will be eligible to register
for a vaccine!

And specifically for AstraZeneca (40+, first dose), find a pharmacy near you:
AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD COVID-19 Vaccines In Pharmacies

As always, information changes, so you can keep up to date with the BC Covid App.

                                                                                                        BC COVID-19 App
  1. Emergency Planning (Take a few minutes for this site please)
  2. Emergency Procedures (And what to do … if ….)
  3. Earthquake and Tsunami (How many in the last 30 days … SEE THEM!!)
  4. An earthquake happened in Oak Bay, WHILE I WAS UPDATING THIS POST! 🔥 HOT OFF THE PRESS WINNER 🔥
  5. Snow or Extreme Weather (Yes, it snows in Victoria .. LOTS!)
  6. Specific Hazards (Nitty gritty specifics of what could happen)
  7. Campus Evacuation Procedures (Where to go ….)
  8. Emergency Planning – Events & Upcoming Training (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!)
  9. UVic Alerts (Register today, right now!)
  10. Safety Committees at UVic(Join a great committee! I did!)
  11. And .. UVic Covid Information too
  12. Province-wide restriction  🔥 HOT OFF THE PRESS WINNER 🔥
  13. BC Covid Dashboard (Added April 9, 2021)

