A Walk Down Memory Lane .. or .. 1 Domegemegrottebyte Worth!

Let’s go for a walk down …
Memory Lane !
Of 1 Domegemegrottebyte Size !!!!

I hope you have been able to keep THIS BOG BLOG POST TOP SECRET!

If not, then go ahead and TELL EVERYONE! The secret CALL Upgrade with lots of new TECH TOYS is less than TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!

The CALL Facility will actually be closed the first two weeks of July (1-5 and 8-12) while the best technical crew on campus brings CALL to the height of upgrades! A long time coming and this will significantly change how CALL can and WILL be used for classes, demos, workshops, orientations, lectures, exams and even drop-in usage! And maybe even MORE uses as everyone discovers that CALL can now do ….. oops ……. almost let the cat out of the bag! You will have to wait or better yet, drop by and talk to me! CALL has had computer refreshes but this time .. is different. CALL did get new furniture and a newer version of The Pods, just before Covid, but this is going to be really cool!

Oh, and if you were wondering about what a Domegemegrottebyte is ….

  • Domegemegrottebyte (1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 Bytes) (or 1033 Bytes)

And for comparison, click HERE for some eye opening comparisons! I had never heard of The Byte Scale before! WOW!

Okay, now for some fun stuff! There are vintage photos of The CALL Facility and even the notorious and infamous …. Lab ‘B’ that I have found. AND some Great Flood photos and even Classic CALL photos. Below are a bunch of mini-galleries, each with a mini-them! Some are so old, that colour had not been invented yet! All this in comparison to various upgrades and the UPGRADE TO COME IN JULY! I will do a blog about that, when complete and we have a Fully Functioning  DEATHSTAR  CALL Facility! Check them out below in a bunch of Galleries!

The CALL Facility will be completed on schedule
                           The CALL Facility will be completed on schedule
You must feel The Pun around you
                                             You must feel The Pun around you

the night before it was … DISASSEMBLED!

Classic CALL Facility Photos – Pre-Flood!

The Great Flood of 2015!

Vintage & Old Photos of CALL 1989!

CALL During Flood Renovations

Behind the Scenes CLTE Renovations!

CALL FUN FAIR – Meet the Team

Meet the Team in The CALL Facility
                                                             Meet the Team in The CALL Facility


And some more cool links from previous Bog Blogs about upgrades and new tech and toys through the years! And don’t forget to recycle boxes, hardware and even food and paper! JUST DO IT!

NEW! The CALL Facility Furniture HAS ARRIVED! NEW!
CALL Computer Refresh Deja Vu ….. All Over Again
SSShhh or Clearihue’s Hidden Secrets .. or CLEARIHUE’S HIDDEN GEMS!!!!
The CALL Facility Original Ad for Employment September 1989
1989 to 2019 30th Anniversary of The CALL Facility!
Meet the Team Systems Open House
The CALL Facility Original Ad for Employment September 1989
CALL Towering Tech Arrivals
The Recycling of CALL and … HSD! (Upgrades need recycling!)
Recycling Never Gets Old at UVic!

See everyone in JULY!
Come on down to

And … just to end on yet another shameless OAC Bog Blog promotion, yet another Post ending with yet another previous blog on …. PUNS! Please be kind! And if you can’t be kind, then I will just have to make more puns! The choice … is yours!!! The Pun is strong in this one ……