The ReCycling of CALL and … HSD!

The ReCycling of …..


52 iMacs (circa 2012-2013), Dual-Boot (WIN and iOS) that served students, staff, Instructors and Faculty SO WELL … and don’t owe us anything, are now on the way to their Forever Recycle Home!

And The CALL  Facility is back to … mostly normal, as you can see the ‘Before‘ all the iMacs (& other miscellaneous recyclables!) were picked up and the … ‘After‘! And yes, those are NEW DESKS, TABLES AND FURNITURE! More presents are coming for September!

And the huge mountain of tech has now been moved to their Forever (for now!) homes across campus! Thanks to ALLISON for organizing everything so we all knew … what would go where! YAY ALLISON!








Each workstation in CALL now has either a NEW DELL  or a NEW MAC MINI! They will all be ready for September – so much ‘Behind the Scenes‘ is going on, so that we are ready for September!

And HSD was added to the mix for recycling cardboard, plastic and paper too!

Thanks to Sage and Keanu for helping  out make mountains out of cardboard molehills! YAY SAGE AND KEANU!

We are not done yet and there are more presents to unwrap and recycle the wrapping over the summer, in preparation for September! Stay tuned!

I did a previous post about Recycling in CALL, and have also included the same Gallery of photos here, to show HOW MUCH CARDBOARD is used when purchasing technology! One computer is lots … DOZENS ADDS UP TO ?QUITE A BIT OF CARDBOARD!

More posts about The CALL Facilitly computer refresh and recycling are at ‘CALL Computer Refresh Deja Vu ….. All Over Again‘ with another Photo Gallery.

I have included the same list of UVic Recycling Links at the bottom from that same post.

Previous ‘Cardboard‘ Gallery

And if anyone is interested in UVic’s Sustainability News, then click here or on the image below! And ALL the UVic Featured Topics are right below it!

                                                                   UVic Sustainability
                                                                     UVic Featured Topics

Whatever CAN be recycled 
WILL be recycled!

  1. Recycling – UVic
  2. Sort-It-Out-Stations – UVic
  3. Zero Waste Program – UVic
  4. Water – UVic
  5. Energy and Climate – UVic
  6. Dining and Food – UVic
  7. Computing – UVic
  8. UVic’s Built and Natural Environments – UVic
  9. Sustainability in Academics and Research – UVic
  10. UVic’s Waste Reduction Hub – UVic
  11. Campus Planning at UVic
  12. Campus Plan – UVic
  13. Sustainable Transportation – UVic
  14. Sustainability Champion Awards – UVic
  15. Featured Stories – UVic
  16. Campaigns – UVic
  17. Campus Sustainability Fund – UVic
  18. Resources – UVic
  19. Sustainability Videos – UVic
  20. Tips for Living a Sustainable Lifestyle – UVic
  21. Sustainability Reports – UVic
  22. Sustainability policy – UVic
  23. Campus Guides – UVic
  24. Vision and Values – UVic
  25. Green Buildings – UVic

Global Warming
                                                                               Global Warming

