Goodbye 2020 . . . .
. . . and even BETTER . . .
HELLO 2021 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
After today (18th) I am on holidays until January 4th, 2021! YAY! And they can’t come soon enough! This has been a very challenging year ….. to say the least. And I think we can all agree on one thing ………………

I am SO grateful to be working with such amazing, talented and imaginative colleagues at The Computer Help Desk! They are more than friends, and they all feel like family to me, especially during this year! They have made it fun to ‘come to work’ each and every day … at the West End of my Dining Room Table! I am pretty sure I would have been fired from any other job … for all my jokes and puns!
The Computer Help Desk is my ‘Team OF Teams‘ for 2020!!!
I will be back in 2021 with more Posts and Pages! I am even thinking of creating one just for my photography! Just photos I have taken over the years and share them. I must admit that my preferred photograpic media has always been … SLIDE PHOTOGRAPHY! Good old Kodachrome! And to be even more specific, Ektachrome! Visions of Paul Simon and my summers of ’77-78 working at the Banff Camera Shop! Except, I had a Canon A-1 camera!
But digital photography is amazing – darn cheap too! I like to think of my iPhone, not as a phone that has a camera … but as a camera that has a phone!
And of course, all kinds of computer hints, tips, stories and just miscellaneous ramblings of someone who is still amazed that his vintage Commodore SX-64 ……is still working! It was the first computer I bought!

And technology is still … MAGICAL … to me!
Everyone have a safe and healthy holiday season!
The best is yet to come in 2021!
See you all in 2021!!!