Terrific Tuesday
. . . . ENCORE . . . .
MORE Computer Humour!
Let’s take a breather today and just have a few chuckles about computers and our digital lives! That and I have multiple meetings, training sessions AND I get to pick up a refreshed laptop today too! So I just want to chuckle and laugh today!
There is no doubt working from home or remote working, continues to be very challenging!
So a little diversion is very welcome, at least for me! And for me, meditation, getting up and walking around, stretching, a walk in my yard, tea and honey, scheduled and impromptu chats, coffee breaks and conversations with my colleagues are SO important to me! I haven’t quite reached the stage of throwing my computer across the room yet!
Find what works for you!
Take of yourselves and your families!
I can hardly wait to bike to work again!
- Banana Jr. Series Computer
- ‘Calvin and Hobbes’ just turned 30 — here’s the history of the strip and its mysterious creator Bill Watterson
- Foxtrot – Comic Home Page
- James Veitch – YouTube
- James Veitch – TED Talks
- 5 Most Watched Cat Videos of All Time
As long as there are cartoons, cat videos at YouTube and The IT Crowd out there, there will be Terrific Tuesdays!

THIS is What Happens
When You Reply to Email
More Adventures in
Replying to Spam
Elaborate Wrong Number
James Veitch . . . again!
Siri vs Alexa