Conferences and Academic Postings

[Reposted bylines reflect the original source authorship]

Call for Papers:

Accelerating Replacement of Animal Experimentation: Critical Theoretical Perspectives

A special issue on the theme of “Accelerating Replacement of Animal Experimentation: Critical Theoretical Perspectives” is planned for publication consideration by the Journal of Animal Law, Ethics and One Health (LEOH).

LEOH is an online, peer-reviewed Platinum open-access journal newly launched at the University of Zurich, Center for Animal Law and Ethics and directed by Prof. Margot Michel and Prof. Brigitte Tag. The journal provides a forum for the discussion of legal and ethical issues relating to animals as well.

This special issue invites submissions by researchers from the fields of law, ethics, philosophy, social sciences, etc. that address the replacement principle from the 3R model and law or policy reform through an analysis that engages with one or more critical theoretical perspectives. Such perspectives may include critical animal studies, critical science studies, children’s rights studies, critical plant studies, vegan ecofeminist theory or other feminist theory, anti-colonial theory, Indigenous theories, disability studies, queer theories, class-based critiques, Earth Jurisprudence, Black studies, critical race theory, etc. All perspectives and a broad range of specific topics addressing replacement in relation to critical theory are welcome.

Further information is available in the full Call for Papers PDF and the Submissions Checklist.

Submissions due: June 1st, 2024
Contact: Maneesha Deckha at


Center for Contemporary Sciences: Policy Forum, June 23, 2022

Analyzing the policy framework underlying the most transformative scientific innovations of the decade
The forum will analyze the policy framework underlying the most transformative scientific innovations of the decade. Emphasis is placed on new inventions enabled by regenerative medicine, biomedical engineering, machine learning, and nanotechnology. This includes applications like Organ-on-a-Chip, 3D-bioprinting, and Micro-Physiological Systems (MPS), all poised to transform the healthcare industry. A landscape analysis of existing guidance and policies will be conducted. In addition, the legislative agenda needed for effective dissemination of these disruptive technologies will be analyzed, alongside the existing barriers and thresholds. The benefit of implementing discerning policies towards improving the drug development process, reducing the cost of medicine, streamlining biomedical research, improving safety and toxicity testing will also be evaluated. Experts from across the life sciences, biotech, academia, health agencies, and nonprofits will participate in the forum. That is in addition to perspectives from leading animal welfare groups.

Past Conferences and Calls for Papers (for Reference):

Writing Animals Program is a free motivational forum for animal law and policy scholars to come together to move forward in their writing projects, generate outstanding scholarship, and further the academic and public influence of animal law and policy as a field.

  • Writing Practice, twice weekly online (log in as your schedule allows)
  • Winter 2021 Session: January 12th – March 11th (9 weeks)
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:00 a.m. – 1:35 p.m. (Pacific Time)
  • Thursday session extends 15 minutes for Writing Mentorship in Breakout Rooms

Writing Mentorship by BASAN Scholars:

  • Professor Maneesha Deckha, Faculty of Law, University of Victoria
  • Professor Angela Fernandez, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto
  • Professor Lori Gruen, Wesleyan University
  • Professor Douglas Kysar, Yale Law School
  • Professor Justin Marceau, University of Denver, Sturm College of Law

Questions? Email: Maneesha Deckha, , download Poster, or Register (no cost).

Call for Papers:

EACAS 2021 June 24-25th – ‘Appraising Critical Animal Studies’ -Call for Papers

Abstract and bio submission deadline: February 28, 2021

For details and contact information:

Call For Papers: Sport, Animals, and Ethics

Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Program is now accepting Visiting Fellow applications for the 2021-22 Academic Year.

Fundamental Challenges to European Politics:
Gender, Race, Intersectionality, and the More-Than-Human

Call for Papers for the #ECPG21 (European Conference on Politics and Gender, 7-9 July 2021, University of Ljubljana)

Animals, Climate Change and Global Health

A webinar series co-organized by Charlotte Blattner (University of Berne, Switzerland), Eva Meijer (University of Wageningen, The Netherlands) and Kathrin Herrmann (Veterinary Specialist in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, CAAT, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health).

More information and registration on their event website at

The Society for the Study of Ethics and Animals (SSEA) is hosting a virtual three-part Colloquium series for Fall 2020.

  • For more information and to register, visit SSEA

Research Fellowship – Live Animal Markets

The NYU Center for Environmental and Animal Protection (CEAP) is partnering with Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Program and the University of Denver’s Sturm College of Law, on a project on policy responses to live animal markets. They have published a call for applications for a research fellow to manage the project.

Canadian Animal Law Conference

“The place of nonhuman animals in our shared world”

September 11 – 13, 2020.

Conference will be online. Applications open June 2020.

Minding Animals: Animals and Climate Emergency Conference

Sydney, 22 to 29 July, 2021

For more information or to submit an abstract, visit the conference website.

North American Association for Critical Animal Studies (NAACAS)

(* postponed due to COVID restrictions)

Critical Animal Studies Conference, UBC Okanagan
May 27-29, 2020

(download poster or visit NAACAS web site)

Call for Papers for Seventh Oxford Summer School on Animal Ethics – 2020 

Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics

For more information, visit Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics

Call for Papers:

CFP Animal and Law session hosted at Lund University, Sweden, August 24-26, 2020

Questions may be directed at Marie Leth-Espensen, Sociology of Law, Lund University at

Canadian Animal Law Conference, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Oct. 4-6, 2019. “Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future.

Animal Law Conference, Lewis & Clark Law School, US. 27th annual conference, Oct. 25-27, 2019. “Representing Animals: Elevating Animal Status.”

European Association for Critical Animal Studies, The 6th EACAS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, May 24-26, 2019. More information at

Thinking About Animals Conference at Brock University, March 1-2, 2018. Conference poster.