Video Gallery – ASRI Lectures 2020


Sexuality and African Animalities

Lecture by Evan Mwangi, PhD
Professor of English, Northwestern University (Weinberg)
November 18, 2020 (Via Zoom webinar)

Thinking Violence in Femivorism and Veganism:
The ‘Authenticity’ of Unethical Violence in Camas Davis’ Killing It and The Exploitation of ‘Blood-Thirsty’ Vegan Violence in E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web

Lecture by Lindgren Johnson, PhD
Associate Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature and Luso-Brazilian Studies, University of California San Diego
October 21, 2020 (Via Zoom webinar)

Akbar Broke My Heart: Brazilian Zooliterature in a Relational Frame
Lecture by Alexandra Isfahani-Hammond, PhD
Associate Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature and Luso-Brazilian Studies, University of California San Diego
September 16, 2020 (Via Zoom webinar)

How to Think About Wild Animal Suffering
Lecture by Dale Jamieson, PhD
New York University, Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, Director of the Animal Studies Initiative, Animal Law & Policy Program
February 3, 2020

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