2024 AGES Connections Conference

Conference Registration Update:

Dear friends, colleagues,
The upcoming annual AGES Conference occurring on the 9th and 10th of April 2024 at the Faculty of Education in the University of Victoria offers many exciting presentations, panels, roundtable discussions and workshops! Keynote speakers Dr. Vanessa Andreotti on April 9th, and Dr. Jean-Paul Restoule on April 10th. Find the schedule here!

To Register: Send an email to ages@uvic.ca with the subject line “Registration for AGES Conference 2024″. For logistics purposes, please mention whether you will attend one or both days.  ALSO, indicate whether you will stay for lunch–and your dietary options. Please note that lunch is provided FREE upon request (for one or two days).

We thank the Graduate Student Society and the Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Education for graciously supporting the 2024 AGES Conference.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Conference Details:
Date: April 9-10, 2024
Location: Faculty of Education, University of Victoria: Learning Commons (D201) in MacLaurin (MAC), and also D110, D114, D116 (TBA)

With kindness, connection,

Serap Asar Brown
AGES Coordinator
On behalf of AGES Executive Committee