Latest Past Events

AGES Leadership Meeting

Zoom Online BC

AGES will hold a regular executive meeting with specific agenda. The Associate Dean - Dr. Paul Whitinui will also join us. It is a great opportunity for you to participate in our decision making process. We welcome all graduate students within the Faculty of Education.

AGES Graduate Orientation/Meet and Greet

Zoom Online BC

AGES is hosting a meet and greet session on Zoom on Sept 17 from 2-3:30pm. This is a great opportunity to connect (and re-connect!) with fellow graduate students across our faculty and discuss your program and/or research. You will also learn about the services and resources that AGES provides to graduate students. Most importantly, AGES has … Continue reading "AGES Graduate Orientation/Meet and Greet"


AGES Executive Meeting-Cancelled

AGES will host an executive meeting to check in and plan for future events every two weeks. All graduate students within the Faculty of Education is welcomed to participate. Topic: AGES Executive Meeting Time: October 19th, 10am Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 816 3596 4679 Password: 188610 One tap mobile +17789072071,,81635964679#,,,,0#,,188610# Canada +16475580588,,81635964679#,,,,0#,,188610# Canada … Continue reading "AGES Executive Meeting-Cancelled"