Wellbeing Wednesdays

Wellbeing Wednesdays

Wellbeing Wednesdays by LifeWorks Wellbeing Wednesdays were developed by Salika Peucelle, as digital mental health program to take care of your mental physical, social, and financial wellbeing during this difficult time. Wellbeing Wednesdays are weekly Facebook live...
Ergonomic Tips for Working at Home

Ergonomic Tips for Working at Home

Ergonomic Tips for Working at Home Many of us likely do not have the same workstation setup at home that is available in our typical offices. It is important to set up your workstation as best you can to prevent injury regardless of where you might work. Main tips for...
A stable mindset in an unstable world

A stable mindset in an unstable world

Do you have a fear of news? The news can be stress-inducing, but when events are particularly worrying, many of us have difficulty coping. The constant flow of information can cause a new mental health issue: headline stress disorder. Understanding Headline Stress...
WellCan Wellness Support

WellCan Wellness Support

WellCan Wellness App Well-being resources for Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic presents complex and unprecedented challenges, impacting all parts of Canadian life: how we socialize, how we work, how we get our essentials, and how we...
National Medical Laboratory Week

National Medical Laboratory Week

During National Medical Laboratory Week from April 26 – May 2, let’s take a moment to learn more and appreciate the Canadians working as medical laboratory professionals! Medical laboratory professionals are part of your health care team. They work behind the...