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Bear with us…

It’s not unusual at all to see deer grazing at UVic. And we’ve all seen the odd bunny or two on campus. But a bear? That’s a little different! Apparently, this particular bear has...

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Robert redeemed

Sit back and enjoy a stirring bit of music and research, as professor Harald Krebs and soprano Sharon Krebs celebrate Robert Schumann’s late songs. In this Distinguished Professor lecture, Harald explores how song composers...

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Writing science right for kids

What’s a microbe? Why is the sky blue? What makes colour anyway? Some of us are facing a few new questions these days as we play educator to inquisitive kids. Unfortunately, science isn’t a...

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Get the madwoman look

Be honest… how much effort have you put into making your Zoom background look professional? If you’re like us, your living room has turned into a full-blown theatre set—with furniture and cushions placed just...

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Calling all gamers

Sports leagues around the world are still trying to figure out if they can get their seasons re-started. Some are finding creative solutions so they can get the games started now. Vikes Intramurals is...

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Fritters, family and fun in the kitchen

Looking for a recipe refresh? UVic alumni Umeeda and Nareena Switlo are in the business of flavour innovation. The mother and daughter team started a thriving international food and beverage business together, Naledo, that...

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This is your brain—on Mars

In December 2019, professor Olav Krigolson got as close to Mars as he could without actually being there. Olav led a research team to HI-SEAS, a Mars-habitat simulation in Hawaii. They went for a...