One Man Hamlet

Something is rotten in the state of… the world. And its name is COVID-19. Though this be madness, Theatre Inconnu is here to help!

The theatre is now sharing a recording of its most famous production: One Man Hamlet.

Created by UVic Phoenix Theatre instructor Clayton Jevne, this one-person-show is like no other. It was originally created as a final hurrah for the then-closing Theatre Inconnu. Instead, One Man Hamlet revived what is now Victoria’s longest running alternative theatre. The show went on to a 17-year-tour in four different countries!

Experience Hamlet like you’ve never seen it before with the show’s 20th anniversary performance in 2011. Clayton, a fellow of infinite jest, uses nothing but thrift-store props and his own boundless energy to tell the Bard’s most enduring tale.

 Now, since brevity is the soul of wit, we will cut this intro short and get on with the show!

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