Pacific Regional Institute for Marine Energy Discovery

First of a kind marine energy projects for a one of a kind coastline


PRIMED was established with a mission to accelerate the development and adoption of marine renewable energy technologies on the BC coast. This includes offshore wind, wave and tidal energy technologies.  To achieve this PRIMED works with provincial and federal funding agencies, local communities and private sector technology developers to enable the development of Marine Renewable Energy in BC.

Wind Resource assessment – PRIMEDs FLiDAR WindSentinel™ buoy is a world leading wind resource assessment buoy that uses LiDAR to accurately measure wind speed and direction.

Technology Performance Assessment – Using specialist software tools PRIMED can simulate floating offshore wind turbines and provide unbiased performance assessments.

Resource Assessment – PRIMED operates a fleet of wave measurements buoys and has been deploying these buoys for over a decade. Over that time PRIMED has built up the most comprenhsive wave resource data set for the BC coast that exists.

Numerical Modelling  – Using advanced numerical tools to define the benefits to be realized in BC through wave energy technology.

Technology Performance Assessment – PRIMED often works with early stage WEC developers in a 2nd Party assessor role. As a university research group, we have no stake in certain technologies, we are able to provide unbiased performance assessments.

Resource Assessment – Using a combination of field measurements and computational models we are able to carry out resource assessments with the aim of quantifying the tidal energy resource.

Technology Performance Assessment – Provide technical advisory services to early stage tidal energy device developers and provide unbiased performance assessments.


Engagement – PRIMED can engage with communities in the early pre feasibility stage of a project. Using field data and numerical model data we can help provide certainty about the available resource. Advise on appropriate technologies. Assist communities in identifying available funding opportunities to move projects forward.

PRIMED has a track record, established over almost 20 years, of working in the marine renewable energy space on the BC coast. Over this time the groups role has changed from being a small research group focused purely on the academic problem of quantifying the wave energy resource off the West Coast of Vancouver Island to nowadays acting as an intermediary between communities and technology developers. We aim to be the connective tissue between BC’s remote coastal communities and technology developers by providing expertise and guidance in the following areas:

Community Engagement

We like to think of ourselves as being the connective tissue between technology developers and BC’s coastal communities. Using prior experience, and working with our project partners, PRIMED has an established record of accomplishment working with coastal communities in BC to enable the development marine renewable energy projects.

Resource Assessment

Using a combination of field measurements and computational models PRIMED is able to carry out detailed resource assessments and make the data accessible to communities and technology developers. This data helps to provide certainty about the available energy resource and can thereby empower communities and developers to make informed decisions.

Technology performance modelling

PRIMED can work with technology developers in a 2nd Party assessor role. As a University research group, we are able to provide unbiased technology performance assessments.

Grid Integration

Using specialised software tools, and our in house expertise, PRIMED can help communities and developers navigate the complexities of integrating renewable generation sources into their existing grids.

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Drop us a line with any questions or comments regarding our past, present, or future projects. We’d love to hear from you!


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Territory acknowledgment

We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.