Update from the JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program May 2020:

Providing leadership for those to follow, the University of Victoria Centre for Evidence Informed Nursing and Healthcare hosted the JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review training program entirely online from May 25-29, 2020.  The 5-day workshop was delivered using UVic CourseSpaces and Blackboard Collaborate videoconferencing technology. This enabled the 3 certified trainers to join remotely – Dr. Karen MacKinnon (UVic), Dr. Christina Godfrey and Dr. Rosemary Wilson from Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality, and Dr. Dzifa Dordunoo (UVic) to Co-Moderate . Our research librarian, Dr. Carol Gordon was also available to assist participants. There were 14 registrants as far away as Arizona to learn how to develop, conduct and report systematic reviews of evidence.

Dr. Dzifa Dordunoo explains that “JBI provides an unique opportunity to engage with colleagues across disciplines about the process of evidence synthesis – besides learning about the JBI methodology, getting feedback from these colleagues is very valuable in helping shape the review question.

Dr. Diane Sawchuck, Co-Director, CEiNHC, UVic said, “The venue was fantastic, nothing was lost by not having the usual classroom setting and many saved on travel expenses – we learned together from each other just as we’d have done gathering together in person.”

Patricia Woods a U Vic PhD Student sent a reply “I just wanted to send a sincere and huge THANK YOU with mega appreciation to both of you for your parts in the successful online JBI training last week. You took the minor technical glitches in stride and we all learned an incredible amount, I feel as though I am still digesting it!”

Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) is recognized as a global leader in evidence-based healthcare. The mission of the JBI is to improve patient outcomes by ensuring that healthcare professionals have access at point-of-care to the best available international evidence. JBI provides a systematic process for finding and appraising evidence, a process supported by training, tools, a peer-review process, and networking to inform best practices. JBI is identified as one of the top Internet resources supporting evidence-based nursing practice. JBI has over 70 collaborating centres across the world, including five in Canada.

The UVic Centre for Evidence-Informed Nursing and Healthcare (CEiNHC) promotes the use of the best available evidence to inform health policy and nursing practice on Vancouver Island and across British Columbia. We have published Systematic Reviews that explore health care providers’ experiences with collaboration, and the use of simulation to better prepare maternity care providers (Published in the JBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports or JBISRIR). Our group has also worked with the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) to find the evidence needed to inform responses to the opioid overdose crisis (protocol has just been published in JBISRIR . https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30889075

We are currently offering JBI’s Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program (CSRTP) for the first time May 27 to 31, 2019. Our Co-Director Dr. Karen Mackinnon, who completed her certification as a trainer in Adelaide last year, will be joined by two experienced trainers from Queens University (a JBI Centre of Excellence), Drs. Christina Godfrey and Rosemary Wilson. We have 19 participants for our first offering including PhD students, nurse educators, research librarians and clinicians from practice settings.  We look forward to offering the CSRTP annually at this same time of year.

The UVic Centre for Evidence-Informed Nursing and Healthcare (CEiNHC) offered the first JBI Comprehensive Systematic Review Training Program at the University Of Victoria May 27 to 31, 2019