A Nurse Informatician is A Nurse

A Nurse Informatician is A Nurse

Last week, I was standing in a room full of health care professionals networking when I introduced myself to a fellow nurse. I found myself anxiously waiting for that awkward moment I so often experience after introducing myself as a nurse informatician. Typically, I...



I recently met with UVic Nursing Professor Dr. Debra Sheets. She has an exciting new project called Ease e-Home. She is working with geriatrician Dr. Marilyn Malone to use Amazon Echo in homes of people who have mild cognitive impairment. They are trialing it to see...

New Faculty Bio & Teaching Philosophies

Leanne Kelly, BA, BSN, MN | Assistant Teaching Professor I am Cree/Metis, originally from Saskatchewan, and am a U of S grad (Go Huskies!) I moved to Vancouver Island in 1994 with my husband. We have two sons who are West Coast boys now and will probably never...

Teaching Peer Review

A Collaborative Venture Engaging a Community of Teachers at the University of Victoria, School of Nursing By Jeannine Moreau, RN, BSN, PhD; Karen MacKinnon, RN, MScN, PhD; Coby Tschanz, RN, MN, PhD (c) Peer review of one’s teaching and learning (TL) practices can...

20 Years of Popcorn & Chocolate

The Grounded Theory Club (GTC) at UVic By Lenora Marcellus, Marjorie MacDonald, Rita Schreiber, Silvia Vilches, Susan Tasker, Darlaine Jantzen, Steve Gentles, Faye Strohschein, Michelle Phoenix, Mindy Swami Background With the development of the collaborative nursing...