Mixed Methods Club

By Kara Schick Makaroff, RN, PhD Are you interested in and curious about research using mixed methods? A group of current nursing doctoral students/candidates and alumni have formed a “Mixed Methods Club” for just this reason. They are meeting in person and via Skype...

Interview with Dr. Janet Storch

By Bernie Pauly, RN, PhD Recently, I met with Dr. Janet Storch to discuss her distinguished career in nursing and health care ethics. Jan is well known for leading the revisions of three editions of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Codes of Ethics, serving as...

Researching Moral Distress

By Janet Storch, RN, PhD Throughout the studies on nursing ethics, we found that nurses expressed continuing concerns about the many things that impeded their ethical practice of nursing. With some additional funding from the Office of Nursing Policy, Health Canada...