By Lynne Young, PhD, RN

Nurses at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, with signatures, 1900

The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) is an international organization that was launched in 1996. The Mission of JBI in the words of its founder Prof. Alan Pearson is to “. . .provide you with the best available evidence to inform your clinical decision-making at the point of care”. JBI reaches across the globe from Australia to North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Joanna Briggs, after whom the Institute was named, was the first ‘matron’ of the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Adelaide, Australia. Although JBI was established by Royal Adelaide Hospital as an affiliated institute of the University of Adelaide, it is now a school within the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Adelaide. While JBI originally focused on nursing, the focus has expanded to encompass professionals and researchers with a wide range of health care interests.

Currently there are over 70 JBI centres – either Centres of Excellence or Affiliate Centres – operating around the world. In Canada, there is one JBI Centre of Excellence at Queen’s University School of Nursing, Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality Centre (QJBC) and 4 newly minted JBI Affiliate Centres, including JBI Centre for Evidence informed Nursing and Health Care (CEiNHC) at the University of Victoria. The JBI Centres in North America come together as a community-of-practice within an organization entitled Implementation Science and Synthesis of North America Network (ISSNA). JBI is a sister organization to the international Cochrane Collaboration. Whereas Cochrane researchers primarily examine and synthesize quantitative evidence on effectiveness, JBI researchers address practice-related questions by synthesizing not only quantitative evidence but also qualitative and mixed methods evidence. In September 2017, JBI, Cochrane, and 3 other such groups – the Guidelines International Network, The Campbell Collaboration, and the International Society for Evidence-based Health Care – will meet in Cape Town, South Africa for the first Global Evidence Synthesis Summit to share ideas and findings in support of evidence-informed decision-making to improve the quality of health care worldwide.

1) Joanna Briggs Institute. Retrieved Oct 31, 2016 from
2) Global Evidence Summit 2017. Retrieved Oct 31, 2016 from
3) Queen’s University: Queen’s Collaboration for Health Care Quality. Retrieved Oct 31, 2016 from
4) Royal Adelaide Hospital Heritage Office . Retrieved Oct 31, 2016 from

From the 2016 Fall Communiqué — 40th Anniversary Issue