by R&S | Apr 13, 2012 | Research & Scholarship
2012 Sochan Essay Award for Nursing Abstract By Kathleen Harris, RN, BSN Health concerns related to substance abuse, injection drug use (IDU) and HIV/AIDS have reached critical levels; nowhere is the situation more urgent than in Canadian prisons (Werb, Kerr, Small,...
by R&S | Apr 13, 2012 | Research & Scholarship
By Robbyn Lanning, BFA, MA For many, living with a life-threatening illness is unimaginable. How does one garner the optimism and endurance needed to continue living while the end of life approaches? To help shed light on the experiences of people living with the...
by R&S | Apr 13, 2012 | Research & Scholarship
By Joan Humphries, BSN, MN, PhD student and Rosanne Beuthin, BSN, MN, PhD (c) Our Chocolate and Research Seminars cover a wide range of topics and recently, two of the sessions focused on Leadership. Each session included a presentation from a Canadian nursing leader,...
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