By Anastasia Mallidou

Carole Estabrooks will be our Research Conversation guest on March 7th – which will be open to other members of the campus as part of the UVic IdeaFest.

Dr. Estabrooks is Professor, Faculty of Nursing, at the University of Alberta and a Canada Research Chair in Knowledge Translation. She has been a fellow in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences since 2007 and is recently elected to the American Academy of Nursing. She leads the Knowledge Utilization Studies Program (KUSP) at the University of Alberta.

Dr. Estabrooks’ applied health services research program focuses on knowledge translation in the health sciences. She studies the influence of organizations on the research implementation behaviour of health care providers and the effects of that research implementation (knowledge translation) on quality of care, quality of life/quality of end of life and quality of work life outcomes. In her presentation, Carole will focus on her applied program of knowledge translation research in residential long term care, both doing and integrating KT Science. Carole will also share her own experiences, insights and examples of issues and challenges in developing programs of research and knowledge translation. Click here for more information of Carole’s work.

On a more personal note, I first met Carole when I was a doctoral student and she was a new PhD graduate, already perceived among faculty and fellow students as a “rising star”. I deeply admired her and wanted to be a ‘Carole’ when I grew up! Subsequently, I had the good fortune of having her as my Post-Doc Supervisor. From my postdoctoral experience, I learned that Carole is a superb teacher as she is a rigorous researcher. She remains an inspiring role model for both junior and senior researchers.

From the 2012 Winter Communiqué