Latest Past Events

Matrix Seminar: Ali Ramezani on ML in the Real World

ECS 660

Title: Machine Learning in Real World Abstract: Machine learning (ML) with (deep) neural networks has gained tremendous recognition by academics and substantial industrial investments over a decade, which has led to a steady stream of advances such as enabling technologists to detect anomalies in medical images and providing high-accuracy translation between certain Pacific island and […]

Matrix Seminar: Yun William Yu on Augmenting k-mer sketching for (meta)genomic sequence comparisons

ECS 660

Title: Augmenting k-mer sketching for (meta)genomic sequence comparisons Abstract: Over the last decade, k-mer sketching (e.g. minimizers or MinHash) to create succinct summaries of long sequences has proven effective at improving the speed of sequence comparisons. However, rigorously characterizing the accuracy of these techniques has been more difficult. In this talk, I'll touch on three […]


Shaun Kane: AI /(for)|(with)|(about)|(through)/ Disability

ECS 660

The AI gold rush has led to new AI models and systems being announced nearly every week. As with most new technologies, these systems have the potential to reduce existing accessibility problems, but may also create new ways to exclude people with disabilities. Beyond its impact on traditional accessibility practices, AI may fundamentally change the […]