

Declaiming in Tokyo…..

  • Archibald, J. (forthcoming). The Phonology/Phonetics interface in Ln acquisition: insights from representational hierarchies. Thematic Session to be held at New Sounds 2025. University of Toronto.
  • Archibald, J. (in press). The place of phonology in the study of multilingual grammars. Invited keynote article, Second Language Research.
  • Archibald, J. (in press). Second language phonology. In A. Jardine & P. de Lacy, eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Phonology, 2nd edition.
  • Archibald, J. (in press). ‘And yet it moves’: Finding a place for phonology in the GenSLA cosmos.. In M. Velnic et al., eds. Proceedings of GASLA 16. John Benjamins.
  • Cabrelli, J., B. Kabak, & J. Archibald, eds. (2024).Formal Approaches to Multilingual Phonology. Frontiers in Language Sciences. 10 articles. 10K views.
  • Archibald, J. and S.-N. Sciban (2024). Factors influencing global English accent ratings of students in Mandarin bilingual programs. In W. Cai, ed. Research and Teaching the Chinese Language: Voices from Canada. Springer.
  • Archibald, J. (submitted). Phonological uniformity  and the phonological word: Codeswitching, co-phonologies and phases.
  • Archibald, J. & J. Wu (in press). L3 learning and teaching. In H. Nassaji, ed. The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching. John Wiley.
  • Archibald, J. & X.X. Li (submitted). The L2 acquisition of English infixing: universals and complexity at the phonology/morphology interface in multilingual grammars.
  • Archibald, J. (2024). Explaining L3 phonology. Plenary talk at L3 Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. Chuo University, Japan. May. The slides are here: ExplainingL3Phonology; and  the references are here: L3WorkshopReferences.
  • Archibald, J. (2024). Phonology in Multilingual Grammars: Representational Complexity and Linguistic Interfaces. Oxford University Press.
  • Archibald, J. (2023). Differential substitution: A Contrastive Hierarchy account. Frontiers in Language Sciences. ArchDifferentialSubstitution.
  • Archibald, J. M. Desmarais & J. Wu (2024). The L3 acquisition of Quebec French phonological prominence. Poster at L3 Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. Chuo University, Japan. May. The poster is here: Tokyo2024_L3WorkshopPoster_final.
  • Wu, J., M. Desmarais & J. Archibald (2024).The L3 acquisition of Japanese pitch accent. Poster at L3 Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. Chuo University, Japan. May. Slides are here: L3WorkshopJapaneseTalk.
  • Nelson, BrettC, A. González Poot, D. Flynn & J. Archibald (2024). The L2/L3 acquisition of Mayan ejectives: Redeployment of dimensions and learning of gestures. GASLA XVII. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Slides are here: NelsonEtAl.Revised.
  • Archibald, J. (2023). Differential substitution: A Contrastive Hierarchy account. Paper  presented at the Multilingual Theories and Practices conference. Dublin. April. MTPSlides.
  • Archibald, J. (2024). A transition theory of L3 segmental phonology: Phonological features and phonetic variation in multilingual grammars. In E. Babatsouli, ed. Multilingual Acquisition and Learning: Towards an Eco-systemic View of Diversity. Pps. 348-379. John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. (2023). Using a Contrastive Hierarchy to formalize structural similarity as I-proximity in L3 phonology. In N. Kolb, N. Mitrofanova, & M. Westergaard, eds. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism Spotlight Issue: Structural Similarity across Domains in Third Language Acquisition. Invited. lab.22051.arc.
  • Deng, J. and J. Archibald (2023).The teaching and learning of T3 tone sandhi: L2- and heritage-learners of Mandarin Chinese in Canadian university classes. W. Cai & R. Wang, eds. International Journal of Chinese Language Teaching 4(1): 76-93.
  • Kim, K. & J. Archibald (2022). The efficacy of lexical stress diacritics on the English comprehensibility and accentedness of Korean speakers. Pedagogical Linguistics.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Using Jaccard Distance to measure the linguistic I-proximity of phonological inventories in a Contrastive Hierarchy. Paper at the L3 Workshop on Multilingual Language Acquisition, Processing and Use. King’s College, London. October. L3WorkshopJaccardDistance
  • Archibald, J. & X.X. Li (2022). The second language acquisition of English expletive infixing: universals and complexity at the phonology/morphology interface in multilingual grammars. Poster at the Mental Lexicon conference. Niagara-on-the-Lake. October. MentalLexiconInfixingFinal.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Mix and match: why phonology matches syntax but not morphology in intraword codeswitching. Poster at the Mental Lexicon conference. Niagara-on-the-Lake. October. Draft poster here: MentalLexiconMatchPoster.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Feature dependency and the poverty of the stimulus in the acquisition of L2 German plural allomorphy. In C. Isabelli, T. Leal, & E. Shimanskya, eds. Generative SLA in the age of Minimalism: Features, interfaces, and beyond (Selected proceedings of the 15th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference. John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Phonology in multilingual grammars: Representational complexity and linguistic interfaces. Invited speaker at GASLA XVI. Trondheim Norway. Slides here: ArchibaldGASLA2022Final.
  • Hayter, E. & J. Archibald (2022). Why high-variability phonetic training works: a phonological account. Poster at the Bilingualism Forum, University of Illinois at Chicago. October.
  • Grenon, I., J. Archibald, & C. Sheppard. (2022). Learning sounds through unconscious association. International Symposium on Applied Phonetics. Lund, Sweden.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Special Session Cooordinator: Phonological similarity in multilingual acquisition. New Sounds. Barcelona.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Segmental and prosodic evidence for property-by-property transfer in L3 English in Northern Africa. languages.
  • Archibald, J. (2022). Phonological parsing via an integrated I-language: the emergence of property-by-property transfer effects in L3 phonology. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
  • Archibald, J., M. Yousefi, & A. Alhemaid (2022). Redeployment of appendices in L2 phonology: Illusory vowels in L1 Persian and Arabic acquisition of English sC initial clusters. Journal of Multilingual and Bilingual Speech 4(1): 76-108.
  • Yuan, Q. & J. Archibald (2022). Modified input training and cue reweighting in second language vowel perception. Frontiers in Educational Research.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Phonological redeployment and the mapping problem: Cross-linguistic E-similarity is the beginning of the story, not the end. Second Language Research.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Phonology in the multilingual mind. Canadian Linguistic Association. Plenary talk upon being awarded the National Achievement Prize for 2021.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Speaking and hearing with an accent. Frontiers for Young Minds: Neuroscience. YoungMinds.
  • Archibald, J. (2021). Ease and difficulty in L2 phonology: A mini-review. Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences. ArchibaldEaseDifficulty.
  • Archibald, J., M. O’Brien & A. Sewell, eds. (2021). L2 Phonology Meets L2 Pronunciation. Research Topic collection in Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences. E-book downloadable here.
  • Archibald, J. and N. Croteau (2021). Acquisition of L2 Japanese WH questions: Evidence of phonological contiguity and non-shallow structures. Second Language Research 37(4): 649-679.
  • Archibald, J. (2020). Turtles all the way down: Micro-cues and piecemeal transfer in L3 phonology. Commentary on Westergaard (2020) “Microvariation in multilingual situations: the importance of property-by-property acquisition”. Second Language Research.
  • Archibald, J. (2020). Universal architectural properties of complex representations at the L2 phonology/syntax Interface. Invited talk at Newcastle University, UK. October. YouTube Video.
  • Archibald, J. (2020). Probing Escher’s Problem: The grammar of illusory vowels. Cognitive and Brain Sciences group. University of Victoria. November. Slides are here: CABSTalk.
  • Archibald, J. (cancelled). Plenary speaker at PacSLRF (Pacific Second Language Research Forum). Malaysia. Originally scheduled July, 2020. Cancelled due to COVID.
  • O’Grady, W. & J. Archibald, eds. (2020). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis, 9th edition. Pearson.
  • Haggins, E. & J. Archibald (2020). Foot recursion in interlanguage grammars: a study on expletive infixing. In M. Li & E. Buiallon, Eds. WPLC, Vol 30 No 1: Proceedings of the 35th annual NorthWest Linguistics Conference. Pp. 31-41. L2Infixing.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Types of evidence and the Prosodic Transfer Hypothesis: Commentary on Goad & White’s “Prosodic effects on L2 grammars”. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.
  • Stefanich, S., J. Cabrelli, D. Hilderman & J. Archibald (2019). The morphophonology of intraword codeswitching:  Representation & processing. Frontiers in Communication: Language Sciences. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2019.00054
  • Yuan, Q. & J. Archibald. (2019). The effect of modified input on the perception of a non-native vowel contrast by adult Chinese learners of English. Poster at New Sounds 2019. Tokyo, Japan. YuanArchNewSounds
  • Archibald, J. (2019). A unified model of mono- and bilingual intelligibility: Psycholinguistics meets pedagogy. Journal of Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 1 (1): 8-31.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Assessing Linguistic I-proximity in L3 Phonology. Paper at the Konstanz L3 Workshop (see above photo). June. KonstanzL3PhonologyFinal.
  • Archibald, J. & G. Libben (2019). Morphological theory and second language acquisition. In F. Masini & J. Audring, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory. Oxford University Press. Pp. 522-540.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Determining L3 Phonological Proximity. Poster at Canadian Linguistic Association. L3PhonologicalProximity. June.
  • Archibald, J. (2019). Multiple exponence in L2 German plural allomorphy: feature dependency and the poverty of the stimulus. GASLA Nevada. March 2019. 2019GASLA
  • Grenon, I, C. Sheppard & J. Archibald (2019). The effect of discrimination training on Japanese listeners’ perception of the English coda consonants as in ‘rose’ and ‘roads’. In J. Levis, C. Nagle, & E. Todey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference, ISSN 2380-9566, Ames, IA, September 2018 (pp. 127-136). Ames, IA: Iowa State University. 10th Annual PSLLT Proceedings Final Grenon et al.
  • Grenon, I., C. Sheppard, & J. Archibald (2019). Learning to perceive a non-native vowel contrast without listening: A first report. International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. August. Grenon, Sheppard, Archibald_ICPhS_2019. Melbourne.
  • Wee, D., I. Grenon, C. Sheppard, & J. Archibald (2019). Identification and discrimination training yield comparable results for contrasting vowels. International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. August. Wee et al_ICPhS_2019. Melbourne.
  • Law, L.,  I. Grenon, C. Sheppard, & J. Archibald (2019). Which is better: Identification training or discrimination training for the acquisition of an English coda contrast? International Conference on Phonetic Sciences. August. Law et al_ICPhS_2019_final. Melbourne.
  • Archibald, J. (2018). Intelligibility and Comprehensibility in Real Time: the neuro- and psycholinguistics of L2 spoken word recognition. Poster at Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching conference. Iowa State University. September, 2018. PSLLT2018Print.
  • Grenon, I., C. Sheppard & J. Archibald (2018). Discrimination training for learning sound contrasts. 2nd International Symposium on Applied Phonetics. Aizu, Japan. September.
  • Archibald, J. (2018). Advanced level phonology. In P. Malovrh & A. Benati, eds. The Blackwell Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language AcquisitionPp. 241-263.
  • Grenon, I., C. Sheppard, and J. Archibald. (2018).  The Effect of Discrimination Training on Japanese Listeners’ Perception of the English Vowels as in ‘ship’ and ‘sheep’. Japanese Second Language Acquisition conference. June.
  • Archibald, J. & M. Yousefi (2018). The redeployment of marked L1 Persian codas in the acquisition of marked L2 English onsets: Redeployment as a transition theory. Paper presented at ConCALL 3. University of Indiana. March.ConCALLFinal.
  • Archibald, J. (2017). Second language phonology at the interfaces: Phonetics, morphology and syntax. Plenary speaker at the International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech. Crete. ISMBSFinal.
  • Archibald, J. (2017). Second language processing and linguistic theory. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Mark Aronoff, General Editor. Oxford University Press.
  • Archibald,J. (2017). Phonological but not Syntactic Contiguity in L2 Japanese WH Questions. Poster at GASLA 2017. Southampton, England.GASLAJapanese2017 Poster
  • Archibald, J. & M. Yousefi (2017). The Redeployment of Persian Coda Structure in the Acquisition of English sC Onset Clusters: Production/Perception Asymmetries in Illusory Vowels. Poster at GASLA 2017. Southampton, England. GASLA Persian Poster
  • Yousefi, M. & J. Archibald (2017). Plato’s Problem, Orwell’s Problem, and Escher’s Problem: What Production/Perception Asymmetries in Persian Learners of English Syllable Onsets Reveal about the Epistemology of Representational Realism. UVic Dept of Linguistics colloquium. March.
  • Archibald, J. (2017). Transfer, contrastive analysis and interlanguage phonology. In O. Kang, R. Thomson, & J. Murphy, eds. The Routledge Handbook of English Pronunciation.
  • Archibald, J. (2016). Phonology at the Interface: Late Insertion & Spell Out in L2 Morphophonology. Paper presented at New Sounds 2016, Aarhus, Denmark. June. Archibald009
  • Archibald, J. (2016). Phonetic Compression of Minor Phonological Phrases as a Licensor of WH in situ in L2 Japanese: Contiguity Theory in SLA. Poster presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association 2016, Calgary, May. Poster: CLA2016. Proceedings paper: ArchibaldCLA.
  • Archibald, J. (2016). Perceptual illusions and communication strategies: L2 syllable codas and redeployment. SFU Mini-Conference on Pronunciation. SFUWorkshop.
  • O’Grady, W. & J. Archibald, eds. (2016). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis, 8th edition. Pearson Education.
  • Archibald, J. (2015). The cognitive neuroscience of interlingual homographs and homophones. Poster at The Science of Words. University of Victoria. October.  ScienceMotsFinal.
  • •Archibald, J. (2015). Did he say wet, when or went? Contact Magazine. Contact.
  • Archibald, J. (2013). Plenary speaker at New Sounds conference at Concordia in Montreal. Reverse Engineering the L1 Filter: Bagging the Elusive Construct of Intake Frequency. NewSounds2013.
  • Archibald, J. (2012). The acquisition of L2 laryngeal features: the processing of robust transitional cues. Poster at the University of York Workshop on Second Language Phonology. July. ArchYorkBWRev.
  • Archibald, J. (2010). Overriding the L1 filter. Keynote speakers at the GALANA (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America) conference. Toronto, November.
  • Jackson, S. & J. Archibald. (2010) Phonological representations and perception of L2 contrasts. In M. Wrembel, M. Kul, & K. Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, eds. Achievements and Perspectives in SLA of Speech: New Sounds 2010. 161-170. Peter Lang. New Sounds 2010 Poznan_Jackson and Archibald.
  • Archibald, J. (2009). Second language phonology. In Bhatia & Ritchie, eds. Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Emerald Press. Pp. 237-258. ArchHand2009.
  • Archibald, J. (2009). Phonological feature re-assembly and the importance of phonetic cues. Second Language Research 25(2): 231-233.
  • O’Brien, M., C. Shea & J. Archibald, eds. (2007). Proceedings of the 8th GASLA Conference. Cascadilla Press.
  • Archibald, J. (2007). 3,000,000 theories of phonological development. In P. Banski, B. Lukaszewicz & M. Opalinska,, eds. University of Warsaw Press. Pp. 9-26. 2007PhonologicalDevelopment.
  • Archibald, J. (2007). Teaching Implications of L2 Phonology Research. In J. Cummins & C. Davison, eds. Handbook of English Language Teaching. Springer. pp. 811-825. ArchTeaching.
  • Archibald, J. (2005). Second language phonology as redeployment of phonological knowledge. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 50 (1/2/3/4). Pp 285-314. CJL2005.
  • Archibald, J. (2006). Phonology of L2 acquisition In R. Wiese, ed. The Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics, 2nd Edition. Elsevier.
  • Archibald, J. (2005). Second language acquisition. In P. Strazny, ed. Encyclopedia of Linguistics. New York: Fitzroy Dearborn. Pp. 938-940.
  • Archibald, J. (2004). Interfaces in the prosodic hierarchy: New structures and the phonological parser. International Journal of Bilingualism 8(1): 29-50. IJB2004.
  • Archibald, J. (2003). Learning to parse second language consonant clusters. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48(3/4): 149-178. CJL2003
  • Archibald, J. (2003). Charting the L2 learning path. In Lidia Costamangna & Stefania Giannini, eds. La Fonologia Dell’Interlingua (Interlanguage Phonology). Franco Angeli, Milan. Pp. 29-40.
  • Archibald, J. (2002). Models of phonological acquisition. In B. Swierzbin, et al., eds. Selected Proceeding of the Second Language Research Forum 2000. Cascadilla Press.
  • Mah, J. & J. Archibald (2002). The acquisition of L2 length contrasts. Proceedings of the Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference. Cascadilla Press. MahArchibaldGASLA2002.
  • Archibald, J., ed. (2000). Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Blackwell.
  • Archibald, J. & M. Young-Scholten (2000). Second language syllable structure. In J. Archibald, ed. Second Language Acquisition and Linguistic Theory. Blackwell.
  • Archibald, J. & J. Carson (2000). Acquisition of Quebec French stress. In J. Jensen & G. Van Herk, eds. Proceedings of the CLA 2000 University of Ottawa. Pps. 1-12. CLA2000.
  • Archibald, J. (1998). Second Language Phonology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Archibald, J. (1998). Second language phonetics, phonology, and typology. Studies in Second Language AcquisitionSSLA1998.
  • Archibald, J. (1997). The acquisition of English stress by speakers of non-accentual languages: lexical storage versus computation of stress. Linguistics, 35.1. 167-181. [Linguistics] The acquisition of English stress by speakers of nonaccentual languages lexical storage versus computation of stress.
  • Archibald, J. (1997). The acquisition of L2 phrasal stress. In M. Young-Scholten and S.J. Hannah, eds. Focus on Phonological Acquisition. John Benjamins. 1997PhrasalStress.
  • Archibald, J. (1997). Metrical parameters and lexical dependency. In S. Flynn, G. Martohardjono, & W. O’Neil, eds. The Generative Study of Second Language Acquisition. Lawrence Erlbaum. LexicalDepend.
  • Archibald, J., E. Guilfoyle, and E. Ritter (1996). Functional categories in L2 acquisition: presence of evidence is not evidence of presence. A response to Epstein, Flynn and Martohardjono, “Second language acquisition: theoretical and experimental issues contemporary research”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: 714-715.
  • Archibald, J., ed. (1995). Phonological Acquisition and Phonological Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. E-book reprint (Taylor & Francis) here:
  • Archibald, J. & G. Libben (1995). Research Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition.Copp Clark.
  • Archibald, J. (1995). Phonological competence. In J. Archibald, ed. Phonological Acquisition and Phonological Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Archibald, J. (1995). The acquisition of stress. In J. Archibald, ed. Phonological Acquisition and Phonological Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Archibald, J. (1994). A formal model of learning L2 prosodic phonology. Second LanguageResearch 10.3: 215-240. SLR1994.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). The learnability of English metrical parameters by adult Spanish speakers. International Review of Applied Linguistics XXXI/2: 129-141. 1993IRAL.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). Metrical phonology and the acquisition of L2 stress. In Confluence: Linguistics, L2 Acquisition, and Speech Pathology. F. Eckman, ed. Volume 4 of Language Acquisition and Language Disorders series (William Rutherford & Harald Clahsen, eds.), John Benjamins. Pages 37-48. 1993Confluence.
  • Archibald, J. (1993). Language Learnability and L2 Phonology: The Acquisition of Metrical Parameters. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Archibald, J. (1992). Transfer of L1 parameter settings: some empirical evidence from Polish metrics. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 37 (3): 301-339. 1992PolishStress.
  • •Archibald, J. (1993). Language learnability: an overview of the issues. TESL Canada Journal. TCJ1993.
  • Archibald, J. (1992). Adult abilities in L2 speech: evidence from stress. J. Leather and A. James, eds. Proceedings of NewSounds92.