(End of) Summer Listening

Looking for some law related podcast recommendations for the last week of summer? Below is our roundup of law related podcasts.

Stare Indecisis

Did you know that the UVic student run law journal Appeal has a podcast?  Stare Indecisis is Appeal’s companion podcast that further explores the scholarship contained in each volume of the journal through interviews with article authors.

Our favourite segment of Stare Indecisis is On Retainer where the podcast hosts a rapid fire Q&A with UVic Law Faculty.

Media Indigena

While not technically a law podcast, this weekly current affairs podcast often explores topics where indigenous issues and the law intersect. Below are just a few among many law related episodes from Media Indigena:

Episode 160: All White History is Revisionist History

Episode 152: Claiming Indigenous Rights to the 5G Wireless Radio Spectrum

Episode 149: The Deafening Silences in Canada’s Indigenous Languages Act

More Perfect: Season 3

Maybe you are not a ‘podcast’ person but are just looking for some road trip worthy songs to listen to. Season 3 of More Perfect may be just what you are looking for.

On our inaugural list we recommended More Perfect a podcast from the podcast heavyweights at WNYC’s Radiolab. This year’s list wouldn’t be complete without a recommendation to season 3 of More Perfect and the accompanying Most Perfect Album – comprised of songs created for More Perfect inspired by each of the 27 amendments to the US Constitution.

Currently on repeat in the Law Library: Dolly Parton – 19th Amendment.

BC Day Closure

Please note that the Law Library will be closed Monday, August 5 for BC Day. Full details of our hours of operation are available here.

2019 UVic Libraries Student Scholarships

It’s not too late to apply! The annual UVic Libraries Student Scholarships are open for applications. Deadline is May 31.

Continuing law students and grad students, have you made use of library resources for a paper, project, or assignment?

(For example, did you complete a paper, write an open memo, or take LAW 399?)

If so, take a moment to apply for either the David Harris Flaherty Scholarship, for undergraduate applicants from any discipline including Law, or the William Petrie Scholarship, open to graduate students.


Established in 2014 and named for donor David Harris Flaherty, this scholarship is awarded to an in-course, academically outstanding undergraduate student in any discipline who can show how they have utilized library resources – be they print, archival, music, multimedia, digital, etc. – for a class project, assignment or research paper.

Eligible students must complete a 500 word essay explaining their use of library resources in their application.


Established in 2014 and named for bequest donor William Petrie, this scholarship is awarded to an academically outstanding graduate student in any discipline who can show how they have utilized library resources – be they print, archival, music, multimedia, digital, etc. – for a class project, assignment or research paper.

Eligible students must complete a 500 word essay explaining their use of library resources in their application.

Check out the Student Scholarships page for complete application instructions and to read the winning undergraduate and graduate essays from previous years.

New Titles in the Law Library

Watch this space regularly for updates of new print and electronic titles received at Law Library. Click on a book cover to find out more about the book and where it can be found in the Law Library.

Exam Period at the Law Library: Extended hours, room bookings, and research help

With the exam period quickly approaching, we wish to ensure we offer all law students the support and study environment that is needed at this time. We alert all library users to the following updates and reminders.

Extended Hours

Extended study period and exam hours begin on Friday, April 5 and run until Thursday, April 25, inclusive.

Monday – Thursday
8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 8:00 pm
Saturday – Sunday
10:00 am – 10:00 pm

The following hours will be in effect over Easter weekend:

Friday, April 19 (Good Friday)
Saturday, April 20 – Sunday, April 21
10:00 am – 5:30 pm
Monday, April 22 (Easter Monday)
8:30 am – 4:00 pm

Details of the Law Library hours can be found here.

Room bookings

During this period all group study rooms and individual study carrels will be reserved for law student use only.

This will continue until law library staff see a significant decline in use by law students, or until April 25, whichever comes first.

During this period group study rooms and study carrels may be booked at the loan desk.

Research and citation help

You may have noticed that the research help desk in the law library is unattended during the exam period.

Though the desk is quiet, research and citation help is available.

Students, you’re encouraged to email or phone the usual research help contacts. The law librarians receive email and phone messages at those contacts and will respond as quickly as possible, Monday through Friday. You may also make an appointment with a librarian for research help via email (lawref@uvic.ca) or the staff at the Law Library circulation desk.

Finally, we trust all law library users will respect the increased need for quiet study at this time.

Many thanks

Welcoming our newest law librarian

Join us in welcoming UVic’s newest law librarian, Sarah Miller! Sarah Miller joined the Law Library as a Law Librarian on April 1st.

As many of you likely know, Sarah is not a stranger to the Law Library. Sarah has been our Intern Law Librarian since the fall and has been invaluable to the law library team during her internship.

We are delighted to have Sarah continue on with the Law Library for the next year.

Sarah graduated with her Master of Library and Information Science from UBC’s iSchool in 2018. While at UBC, Sarah specialized in the iSchool’s First Nations Curriculum Concentration.

Appeal Volume 24 Launch Event

Join the Appeal editorial team in the Law Library on Thursday, March 21st from 3:30 – 5:30 pm for the launch of Volume 24 of Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform.

Food and drinks will be provided. Additional details can be found on Appeal’s Facebook event page.

As part of the launch of the new volume, Appeal is releasing new episodes of their podcast Stare Indecisis. You can listen to the new episodes (and past episodes) on the Stare Indecisis website or subscribe to the podcast via   iTunes or Spotify.

Appeal is a student run law journal published at the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Law. Appeal publishes articles, case comments and book reviews offering insightful commentary on Canadian law and comparative law.