Exam Period at the Law Library: extended hours and room bookings

With the exam period quickly approaching, we wish to ensure we offer all law students the support and study environment that is needed at this time. We alert all library users to the following updates and reminders:

  • The Law Library will be closed on Friday, March 30 (Good Friday) and Monday, April 2 (Easter Monday).
  • Extended study period and exam hours begin on Tuesday, April 3 and run until Sunday, April 22, inclusive.
  • During this period the law library will be open until 10 pm each night except Fridays.
  • During this period all group study rooms and individual study carrels will be reserved for law student use only.
  • This will continue until law library staff see a significant decline in use by law students, or until April 22, whichever comes first.
  • During this period group study rooms and study carrels may be booked at the loan desk.

Finally, we trust all law library users will respect the increased need for quiet study at this time.

Details of the Law Library hours can be found here.

Many thanks

CanLII adds law journal content

Canada’s free case law and legislation database keeps getting better.

CanLII recently added 10 Canadian law journals to its growing collection of secondary sources (including UVic’s student-run law journal Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform).

Currently, CanLII’s secondary source collection (CanLIIDocs) consists  of 5 e-books, over 450 articles published since 2015, and an ever growing  collection of case summaries and commentaries on CanLII Connects.

More journals, historical journal content, and e-books will be added to this database over time, so make sure to check back often!

Read more about the new content on the CanLII Blog: We now have law reviews on CanLII


Appeal Volume 23 Launch Event

Join the Appeal editorial team in the Law Library on March 22nd from 3:30 – 5:30 pm for the launch of Volume 23 of Appeal: Review of Current Law and Law Reform.

Food and drinks will be provided. Additional details can be found on Appeal’s Facebook event page.

This year also marks the launch of Appeal’s new legal podcast – Stare Indecisis.

Appeal is a student run law journal published at the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Law. Appeal publishes articles, case comments and book reviews offering insightful commentary on Canadian law and comparative law.


New Law Library Display – Indigenous Law: A Focus on Faculty Publications

Once you enter the law library, there is a space on your left dedicated to showcasing library resources. The current display is a small sample of the many resources available at the law library on Indigenous law. Highlighting scholarship from the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, you will see publications from Val Napoleon, John Borrows, Rebecca Johnson, Jeremy Webber, Pooja Parmar and the Indigenous Law Research Unit. Want to check one out? The library has additional copies available through the law library catalogue. Links are provided below.

To discover more resources, visit the library’s Indigenous Law Research Guide at http://libguides.uvic.ca/iluvic.

Material on Display:

Faculty Publications
Other Publications: