Snapshot of a restaurateur’s reflections

Snapshot of a restaurateur’s reflections

By Jonna Deutscher, MBA ’18. Photo credit: Kevin Grieve on Unsplash. Originally published in the Summer 2021 edition of Business Class magazine. In one of my first weekend MBA classes, our professor displayed a picture of a group of meerkats. They stood surrounding...
On the Money – Two grads give back

On the Money – Two grads give back

By Natalie Bruckner. Photo courtesy of Holly Restani Captured Moon Photography. Originally published in the Summer 2021 issue of Business Class Magazine.  Take a risk, dream big and don’t be scared to collect some failures! This philosophy may seem a little unorthodox...
Hungry for change: Mealshare makes strides to end youth hunger

Hungry for change: Mealshare makes strides to end youth hunger

By Sasha Milam “Finish your food – some kids don’t have enough to eat.” It’s a message many of us heard at the dinner table when we were young. While it might have helped some kids keep perspective and clean their plates, it had a bigger effect for Andrew Hall, BCom...