Research spotlight: Coping with emotionally difficult work

Research spotlight: Coping with emotionally difficult work

By Sue Bengtson. Originally published in SEEK Research Report. Your boss calls you into the meeting room at the end of the day and hands you a piece of paper with ten of your colleagues’ names on it. He tells you that the company is downsizing—it is up to you to...
Ask a prof: A question of triangulation

Ask a prof: A question of triangulation

By Dr. A.R. Elangovan, 3M Fellow & UVic Distinguished Professor; Director, Gustavson International Programs. Originally published in the fall 2018 edition of Business Class magazine. In this Ask A Prof feature, we invite alumni to pose questions to Gustavson...
What we talk about when we talk about inequality

What we talk about when we talk about inequality

The following is an adaptation of an essay by Dr. Roy Suddaby, Gustavson Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Renewal, introducing a Journal of Management Studies special issue on inequality. It is interesting to observe how, over the years, talk about poverty has...