By Ruth Ormiston, External Relations Co-op Student. Photo: Ethan Sykes on Unsplash.

For many, looking for a job and embarking on a career path can be equal parts exciting and daunting: exciting due to the new opportunities that lie ahead, but daunting due to the process of making these opportunities a reality. Luckily, Gustavson students and alumni don’t have to navigate their career journeys alone. Thanks to the tools, resources and ongoing support from Gustavson’s career educators, they can explore career options with confidence and direction.

Working from the Business Career Centre, Gustavson’s career educators support students and alumni at every stage of their career journey, whether they are exploring career options, looking to transition to a new role or hoping to move ahead in their current industry. The Career Centre runs workshops, provides online resources and offers on-one-one virtual support to students and alumni as they navigate their career path in a rapidly-changing world. Andrée-Anne Leroy, one of Gustavson’s career educators, says that her aim is to “support students to reflect on their skills, strengths and values; to explore careers that align with their interests; and to co-create a plan that will move them closer to their career goals.” Career educator Chantale Laplante adds that she strives to “ask questions, trigger the students’ thinking process and support them through their career exploration and professional discovery.”

While finding a job and achieving professional goals are obvious successes, Andrée-Anne and Chantale also view goal-setting, exploring new career options, and self-discovery as equally important accomplishments. “Big or small, whatever makes someone move in a positive direction is a sign of success,” Chantale says. “What’s essential for me is to encourage people to keep building on these actions while focusing on their learning process along the way.”

The Business Career Centre serves all Gustavson students and alumni, and remains continually accessible after graduation. Current students and alumni can book an appointment with a career educator and view upcoming workshops through the Co-op and Careers Portal.