By Paige Cey, Gustavson External Relations Co-op Student

While this year’s core year will undoubtedly look a little different than years before, some constants make core year the amazing year that it is. I was lucky to have a great experience in my core year, which I just completed last spring. I loved my classes and being surrounded by such fantastic and experienced faculty members, I made great friends and connections within my cohort and I learned so much about my interests and goals as I continue my education and career. Looking back, however, there are a few things I wish I knew before core year.

1) Study.

Before my core year I’d had fine grades. I obviously got what I needed to get into my core year, and to be honest, hadn’t grinded too hard to get them. I wish back then I had put in the time and effort to create great study habits that would keep up when my assignments and exams ramped up – and let me tell you, the workload does ramp up in core year. But I got what was coming when I took my less-than-ideal study habits to core year. Looking back, it would’ve been so much easier (on myself and my GPA) to put in a 100% effort from the very beginning – and no, “studying” at Biblio with a table full of friends doesn’t count.

2) Connect with your professors.

Something I wish I’d done more of during core year, and even before, is connecting with my professors. Gustavson has some seriously amazing professors who are super keen to get to know students, so take advantage of that! Get to know your profs, not only because the classroom becomes so much more enjoyable, but the faculty is extremely well connected – you never know where one great conversation will lead.

3) Try new things.

Cliche advice, yes, but so true! Core year, and university in general, is all about going outside of your comfort zone, trying new things and exploring your interests. Opportunities to try new things are constantly coming your way, and I would recommend taking every one! There are so many amazing clubs and events for you to gain both great resume experience, and experiences that make your core year even more memorable. While these opportunities may look a little different in the current virtual world we’re in, they are still out there and they would be a shame to miss out on!

4) Network, network, network!

Take advantage of your time as a student in terms of informal interviews or coffee meetings. People are much more willing to talk to you as a student, so try to find time to meet as many individuals whose careers inspire you as you can. Throughout this year, I have done around 20 informal interviews, and it has been the best thing I’ve done for myself. Networking is a skill and gets easier with practice, and just like connecting with your profs, you unlock so many new opportunities when you meet new people! This is a great way to find your next co-op, or even just learn more about what you’d like to do in the future.

5) Speak up in class.

Participation is huge in core year, and the easiest way to boost your grades. If you have a thought or a question, don’t be afraid to chime in. The whole experience is extremely collaborative, so if you’re not speaking up you’re missing out on so much value.

6) Communicate with your team.

Within your cohort, each semester you are put in a team to collaborate on the majority of your projects and assignments. This is a great opportunity to practice working directly with others on a team, which tends to come up a lot in job interviews as you continue into your career. Like any relationship, communication with your team is so important. If something is bothering you or you aren’t able to meet a deadline your team has set, let them know instead of hoping it will go away. Communication skills are so important and will follow you, so take the awesome opportunity of working closely with your team to practice these skills in a relatively low-stakes environment.

7) Enjoy it!

Connect with your cohort and have fun. With a year that will look a little bit different, try not to get discouraged comparing to what “could’ve been”. Your core year will without a doubt fly by, so take the time to enjoy every moment!