By Mollie Green. Originally published to UVic News.

Commerce student Andres Agresot believes in the power of connections. As an international student from Colombia, he embraced every opportunity to become an active member of his community within the Peter B. Gustavson School of Business. Agresot has also volunteered as business advisor for UVic’s Submarine Racing Club and was part of the team that represented the university at the 2018 European International Submarine Races in the United Kingdom.

Recently, Agresot found another connecting role during his co-op work term at Babcock Canada. As a marketing/human resources co-op student, Agresot was charged with leading Babcock’s STEM strategy, as well as identifying gaps in the current Victoria engineering labour market.

“Andres was a brand champion for Babcock, which was above and beyond what was expected for the role,” says his supervisor Steven Holmes, Manager of Human Resources. “Andres actively took it upon himself to get involved in projects and drive new initiatives.” This included helping to facilitate a meeting between Babcock’s President and UVic’s Dean of Engineering.

His work had a meaningful impact not only to the organization but also to Agresot. “I am certain that the achievements gained through co-op have significantly impacted multiple areas of my life,” says Agresot. “Co-op has created meaningful turning points in my academic experience, career development and personal growth.”

Watch the video below to learn more about Andres’ co-op experience and to see what other inspiring UVic students have accomplished throughout their co-op work terms.