
Welcome to the Graduate Student Writers’ Community Blog!

We started this blog as a place for graduate students to get and exchange information and ideas, create community, and share their stories about writing. We welcome diverse voices and points of view. The Graduate Student Writers’ Community blog is an initiative of the Centre for Academic Communication at UVic.  

The blog portion of this site features regular posts by writers from across UVic: students, staff, tutors, and faculty members. In the menu above you’ll also find resources like our “Thesis Writing Starter Kit” and “Dissertation Writers’ Resource” (DWR): both are repositories of information about writing a thesis or dissertation. The DWR is a living document; we are adding and updating pages all of the time, and we welcome your contributions. 

Would you like to write a post? Do you have suggestions for improving the blog or adding pages or resources? Do you see an error? Send an email to Natalie, the editor, at caceal3@uvic.ca. 

Read our latest post here.