Campbell & Tanaka (2021)
Campbell, A., & Tanaka, J. W. (2021). When a stranger becomes a friend: Measuring the neural correlates of real-world face familiarisation. Visual Cognition, 29(10), 689-707.
Campbell, A., & Tanaka, J. W. (2021). When a stranger becomes a friend: Measuring the neural correlates of real-world face familiarisation. Visual Cognition, 29(10), 689-707.
Campbell, A., Louw, R., Michniak, E., & Tanaka, J. (2020) Identity-specific neural responses to three categories of face familiarity (own, friend, stranger) using fast periodic visual stimulation. Neuropsychologia, 141
Tanaka, Heptonstall, & Campbell (2019) Part and whole face representations in immediate and long-term memory. Vision Research
Dwyer, Xu, & Tanaka (2019) Investigating the perception of face identity in adults on the autism spectrum using behavioural and electrophysiological measures. Vision Research.
Hagen & Tanaka (2019) Examining the neural correlates of within-category discrimination in face and non-face expert recognition. Neuropsychologia.
Xu, Roads, Robinson, & Tanaka (2018) The easy-to-hard training advantage with real-world medical images. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.
Chin, Evans, Wolfe, Bowen, & Tanaka (2018) Inversion effects in the expert classification of mammograms and faces. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.
Campbell & Tanaka (2018) Inversion impairs expert budgerigar identity recognition: A face-like effect for a nonface object of expertise. Perception.