Clover, D.E., Sanford, K. & Samara Allen, W. (2022). Academic project designs and methods: From professional development to critical and creative practices. University of Victoria
Clover, D.E., Sanford, K. & Harman, K. (2022). Feminism, adult education and creative possibility: Imaginative responses. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Sanford, K., Clover, D.E., Taber, N. & Williamson, S. (2021). Feminist critique and the museum: Educating for a critical consciousness. Brill/Sense.
Clover, D.E., Sanford, K., Bell, L. & Johnson, K. (Eds.) (2016). Adult education and museums: Animating social, cultural and institutional change. Rotterdam: Sense Publishing.
Clover, D.E., Butterwick, S., & Collins, L. (Eds.) (2015). Women, adult education and leadership in Canada. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Clover, D.E., Sanford, K. & Butterwick, S. (Eds.) (2013). Aesthetic practice and adult education. Abingdon, Oxfordshire: Taylor & Francis.
Clover, D.E. & Sanford, K. (Eds.) (2013). Lifelong learning, the arts, and creative cultural engagement in the contemporary university: International perspectives. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Clover, D.E. & Stalker, J. (Eds.) (2007). The arts and social justice: Re-crafting adult education and community cultural leadership. Leicester: NIACE.
Chapters in books
Sanford, K. & Clover, D.E. (2022). A wasteland of climate anxiety: Installations and meaningful (Teacher) Education. In A. Farrell, C. Skyhar & M. Lam. Teaching in the Anthropocene: Education in the face of environmental crisis (pp.?). Canadian Scholars Press.
Clover, D.E. (2022). The feminist pedagogies of women’s and gender museums: Illumination, imagination, provocation and collaboration. In R. Evans, E. Lucio-Villegas, & E. Kurantowicz (Eds.), Remaking communities and adult learning: Social and community- based learning, new forms of knowledge and action for change, (pp. 94-109). Brill/Sense.
Clover, D.E. & Sanford, K. (2022). Curating visibility: The Disobedient Women exhibition as feminist pedagogy. In D.E. Clover, K. Harman, K. Sanford & S. Williamson (Eds.), Feminism, adult education and creative possibility: Imaginative responses. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Sanford, K. & Clover, D.E. (2022). WASTELAND: A feminist public pedagogical response to climate anxiety. In D.E. Clover, K. Harman, K. Sanford & S. Williamson (Eds.), Feminism, adult education and creative possibility: Imaginative responses. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Clover, D.E. (2022). Perspective transformations and the feminist exhibition: Curating imaginative and reflective capabilities. In A. Nicolaides, S. Eschenbacher, P. Buergelt, Y. Gilpin-Jackson, M. Welch & M. Misawa (Eds.). The Palgrave Handbook on Learning for Transformation (pp.447-468). PalgraveMacMillan.
Sanford, K. & Clover, D.E. (2022). A wasteland of climate anxiety: Installations and meaningful (Teacher) Education. In A. Farrell, C. Skyhar & M. Lam. Teaching in the Anthropocene.
Clover, D.E. (2022). Imagining and storying women’s activist leadership through the disobedient women exhibition. In S. Erenrich & D. DeRuyver (Eds.), A grassroots leadership and arts for social change primer for educators, organizers, activists and rabble-rousers (pp.190-208). International Leadership Association.
Clover, D.E. & Spring, L. (2021). Adult Education, learning and museums: Charting pedagogical imperfections and critical fault lines. In S. Brigham, R. Mitzi & K. Jubas (Eds.) Adult education and lifelong learning in Canada: Advancing a critical legacy (pp. 268-278). Thompson Educational Publishing.
Clover, D.E. & Sanford, K. (2020). Fashioning women, defrocking patriarchy: Exhibition stories. In K. Sanford, D.E. Clover, N. Taber, & Williamson, S. (Eds.) Feminist critique and the museum: Educating for a critical consciousness (pp. 63-79). Brill/Sense.
Franger, G. & Clover, D.E. (2020). Cultures of Headscarves: Intercultural feminist education through a challenging exhibition. In K. Sanford, D.E. Clover, N. Taber, & S. Williamson, S. (Eds.) Feminist critique and the museum: Educating for a critical consciousness (pp. 284-305). Brill/Sense.
Sanford, K. & Clover, D.E. (2020). Hacking language: Critical engagement with curatorial statements. In K. Sanford, D.E. Clover, N. Taber, & S. Williamson, S. (Eds.) Feminist critique and the museum: Educating for a critical consciousness (pp. 80-97). Brill/Sense.
Schönweger, A. & Clover, D.E. (2020). The critical advocacies and pedagogies of women’s museums. In K. Sanford, D.E. Clover, N. Taber, & S. Williamson, S. (Eds.) Feminist critique and the museum: Educating for a critical consciousness (pp. 250-266). Brill
Clover, D.E. (2020). Seeing the unseen through the Feminist Museum Hack. In B. Grummell & F. Finnegan (Eds.), Doing critical and creative research in adult education (pp. 115- 126). Brill/Sense.
Clover, D.E. & Sanford, K. (2019). The Feminist Museum Hack: A cultural pedagogy of seeing the unseen. In J. Ostrouch-Kamińska (Ed.), Gender and adult education (pp. 197-209). Waxmann.
Bell, L. & Clover, D.E. (2017). Critical culture: Environmental adult education in public museums. In A. Dentith & W. Griswold (Eds.) Ecojustice adult education: Theory and practice (pp. 17-31). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Clover, D.E. (2017). In case of emergency, break convention: Popular education, cultural leadership and public museums. In S. Erenrich & J. Wergin (Eds.), Grassroots leadership and the arts for social change (pp. 299-314). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing
Clover, D.E. (2017). Exhibitions of power: Participatory visual methods in public museums. In R. Lawrence & K. Yang (Eds.), Participatory Visual Approaches to Adult and Continuing Education: Practical Insights (pp. 83-91) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Clover. D.E. (2016). Feminist arts-based adult education with homeless and street-involved women. In S. Butterwick & C. Roy (Eds.), Working the margins of community-based adult learning: The power of arts-making in finding voice and creating conditions for seeing/listening (pp.3-14). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Clover, D.E. & Stone, E. (2016). Casting light and shadow: Reflections on a non-formal adult learning course. In D.E. Clover, K. Sanford, L. Bell & K. Johnson, K. (Eds.), Adult education, museums and art galleries: Animating social and cultural change (pp. 191-202). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing
Clover, D.E. & Sanford, K. (2016). Knowing their place: Feminist and gendered understandings of women museum adult educators and community practitioners. In D.E. Clover, K.Sanford, L. Bell & K. Johnson, K. (Eds.), Adult education, museums and art galleries: Animating social and cultural change (pp. 67-78). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing.
Clover, D.E. & McGauley, L. (2015). Imagining the possible: Feminist arts-based adult education, leadership and enquiry. In D.E. Clover, S. Butterwick & L. Collins (Eds.), Women, adult education and leadership in Canada (pp. 191-204). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Clover, D.E. & McGregor, C. (2015). Making waves: Feminist and indigenous women’s leadership In D.E. Clover, S. Butterwick & L. Collins (Eds.), Women, adult education and leadership in Canada (pp. 17-28). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Clover, D.E. (2016). Women, street-life and arts-based research. In S. Butterwick & C. Roy (Eds.), Working the margins of community-based adult learning: The power of art making in finding voice and creating conditions for seeing/listening (pp. 3-14). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing.
Bell, L., Clover, D.E., Sanford, K. (2015). Women and adult education in public museums and art galleries. In D.E. Clover, S. Butterwick & L. Collins (Eds.). Women, adult education and leadership in Canada (pp. 257-269). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Clover, D.E. (2014). Teaching and facilitating feminist visual arts-based methodologies. In C. Etmanski, T. Dawson & B. Hall (Eds.), Learning and teaching community-based research: Linking pedagogy to practice (pp.135-149). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Clover, D.E. (2013). The art of adult education and community cultural development in Canada. In T. Nesbit, N. Taber, S. Brigham & T. Gibb (Eds.), Building on critical traditions: Adult education and learning in Canada (pp.204-214). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing.
Butterwick, S. & Clover, D.E. (2013). Fear of glue, fear of thread: Teaching arts-based learning in the adult education classroom. In D.E. Clover & K. Sanford (Eds.), Lifelong learning, the arts, and community cultural development and the contemporary university (pp.66-80). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Clover, D.E. (2012). Aesthetics, society and social movement learning. In B.L. Hall, D.E. Clover, J. Crowther & E. Scandetti (Eds.), Learning and education for a better world: the role of social movements (pp.87-100). Rotterdam: Sense Publishing.
Clover, D.E. (2012). Feminist artists and popular education: The creative turn. In L. Manicom & Walters (Eds.), Feminist popular education: Creating pedagogies of possibility (pp. 193- 208). New York: Palgrave.
Clover, D.E. & Shaw, K. (2009). Re-Imagining consumption: Political and creative practices of arts-based environmental adult education. In J. Sandlin & P. McLaren (Eds.), Critical pedagogies of consumption: Living and learning in the shadow of the “Shopocalypse” (pp.203-213). New York: Routledge.
Clover, D.E. & Hall, B.L. (2009). Critique, create and act: Environmental adult and social movement learning in interesting times. In F. Kagawa & D. Selby (Eds.), Education and climate change: Living and learning in interesting times (pp.161-174). New York: Routledge.